Hello all. Looking to repower my 2008 23se. She shows a max HP of 225. Im not concerned about legal issues insurance or anything else other than breaking my boat. The Suzuki DF225 and DF250 both weigh in at 606lbs, are built on the same block, and will have the same prop. Also I can get a...
I have a 2008 bracketed 2320 , yamaha 250 with around 600hrs. Boat is in excellent condition. Looking for 50K. LMK if your're interested and Ill send some more info and pics.
I'd go with Aqua Traction over Seadek. AT is closed cell, more dense and easier to clean. I've also had Seadek and feel AT is a better product. Just my 2 cents..... Here's a pic of my 08 2320.
Just had that happen two days ago. luckily I caught it before it filled the bilge up too much. Could have been bad though. I always shut mine after use.
Yes sir replaced with the 2008. Made the mistake and sold the 07 2320 and went with the 23se for a year. I just missed the Pilot House. The 2320 is such a comfortable and versatile boat. Ill be keeping this one for the foreseeable future.