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  1. S

    Cleaning up the rat's nest at the helm. Looking for photos/examples...

    Looks like a good product. If the surface is painted do you just rough the paint with 80 grit or do you need to sand through to the fiberglass base before applying adhesive? BEP Question: I’ll be rewiring to switch from Perko’s to BEP cluster; twin engine 3-bank application. When running...
  2. S


    I’ve been aboard one at a fishing show. My impression: If the new Parker Boats owners wanted to create a design which would take the Parker legacy to new heights, this may not b the answer. With a strong following and so much potential to work with I would’ve thought they’d take the lead of...
  3. S

    Boat For Sale Parker 1801 LOADED!

    I know what you mean about being happy with your “18”, My 17ft CC was easy to keep and operate, had it for 12 years, and have plenty of fish stories to tell. However, I’m 70 now, Smaller is simpler but I truly love the comfort of a pilot house. You’ll find the right one for you when the time...
  4. S

    Boat For Sale Parker 1801 LOADED!

    Good looking and fairly priced Parker. I’m sure someone looking for a boat of this size will jump on the opportunity. I owned and enjoyed a 17ft Boston Whaler Montauk for years before buying a Parker 2520. The Whaler was a well built, and safe boat, but it wasn’t close to your Parker. This...
  5. S

    My '95 2530

    So what was it?
  6. S

    New Shore Power and BEP Cluster

    These are examples of the busses & links I mentioned. The buses were built at the same height as the switch; which may be taller than the clusters
  7. S

    New Shore Power and BEP Cluster

    WH5 I have a very similar (twin engine / 3-bank) battery move and re-wire situation. I’ve followed your posts on the many BEP installations you’ve done. My question may also interest P719. I saw a Y-Tube called “Pro Installer v Conventional System” They used a “Dual bank” instead of a cluster...
  8. S

    My '95 2530

    WH5 Thanks for your response, your original instructions were clear. I just wanted to be sure I did it just as you had done. When it comes to boat work you’re obviously better than the average Bear. Thanks for sharing your experience and often creative approach.
  9. S

    My '95 2530

    WH5, I saw this post a few years back and liked your very thorough approach to discouraging moisture intrusion. Unfortunately I had already installed my newest hatch. I have two hatches similar to the size of yours and one smaller, all by Bomar. I’m about to refinish the deck so I’ve removed the...
  10. S

    Parker 2520 Wiring Diagram

    P719 I also run 4 batteries. Group 31 AGM’s. I created a new location for them one bay forward of the factory compartment; see my attached photos.
  11. S

    Parker 2520 Wiring Diagram

    ST I run 225’s on my 2005 XL SC. I plan to replace my battery system and would like to see the “dual battery, twin OB” schematic diagrams. Thanks for offering your support. M Mundo / Stray Dog
  12. S

    Helm Seat Upgrades?

    Looks great. Let us know how it rides, a review of the suspension. 👍
  13. S

    Need too get rust stains off cabin carpet on pilot house

    Are you talking about the truck spray on bed liner? • Do they make it in a white or off white color? • Soft to the touch? I thought its durability made it pretty rigid. Does it have the usual bed liner wrinkled finish?
  14. S

    Need too get rust stains off cabin carpet on pilot house

    How I cleaned the carpet / “Monkey Fur” on my 2005 Parker 2520xl. The carpet, like other 17 year old Parkers had a lot of issues. I decided I would try to restore it instead of removing and painting. I’ve made significant improvements, what some have called “IMPRRSSIVE!!!”, My Method: FIRST...
  15. S

    Helm Seat Upgrades?

    There was no tag with a reference to ID the seat. But if you screenshot the picture I sent and send it to Parker or a dealer I’m sure they can find it. Good luck, let me know if you find a supplier.