Merry Christmas!
Bryan the drawer guides are made by Knape & Vogt. They are made for RV applications with spring assist to keep them closed when the going gets tough. I am pretty sure that you can get them in stainless although they are pretty pricey, just put some wd 40 on mine with no signs of corrosion. The left and center drawer banks are 14" deep and the far right drawers are 10"deep to facilitate with rod removal.
Unfortunately I wouldn't have the time to build another one ,there are a ton of man hours involved and I think there are subtle differences from boat to boat due to the hand laid construction.The process involves blocking the hull of the boat so that it is level side to side and fore and aft. You then have to make a cardboard template to cover the entire flat surface area under the seat,from there you transfer the pilot house sidewall fore and aft with a plumb bob (top of seat back). After determining the location of the cabinet front face and marking it on the template you then need to layout the bulkhead locations where the drawer guides attach to (the for and aft locations will extend to the side of the hull for the rod holders ) and Transfer that to your base template. You can get a very accurate cardboard template for the rod holder by making it in 2 pieces (1 horizontal and 1 vertical ) and taping the joint together for the angle .The hull also has a slight radius that needs to be cut into the template. The last step of the layout process is to draw a template of the entire front of the seat , and fit that to the rear wall of the pilot house (not a 90' angle ) and all the corresponding surfaces taking into account epoxy fillet areas,that way the cabinet will fit like a glove with no gaps larger than 1/8 " anywhere.
There where no parts reused from the original bench seat, the seat cushions are also custom with a 1" bolster to keep you in place when conditions get sporty .
Hope this helps for anyone wanting a winter project :idea:
Steve Passing Thru 2120 200 hpdi