A day of complete frustration.
Went to install the upper cabinet and it wouldn’t fit the seat base opening. When I removed the OEM door and frame the frame will move ¼” or more in all directions in the opening to allow for alignment, when I tried to install the upper drawer set, the step in the back of the faceplate prevented the unit from seating. More than an hour with a rasp enlarging the opening and could finally get it to barely seat flush.
I had purchased #10 clip nuts to use with the original face plate bolts (actually replacement stainless bolts alittle longer), but the fiberglass in the base was too thick to use them, don’t know if I can find clip nuts to accomidate the ‘glass thickness. Even after enlarging the opening, I would probably have to further relieve all areas where the clip nuts go as the drawer housing is so tight.
Purchased 1x2 oak strips (actually .75" x 1.5") and #10 stainless screws and thought I would build a frame, glue it inside the base, and screw the drawer cabinet through the OEM base into the wood. No go. The base is not wide enough to get the 1.5” oak strips all the way around the inside. Thought about gluing the oak on its ¾” edge inside, but am fearful that the screws will split the wood.
Thought about drilling (10) 1.5” holes inside the cabinet and somehow trying to hold the nylon nuts on blindly with a finger to start them, then somehow work a socket wrench in to hold while tighten them, I don’t have confidence that would work especially with the step behind the faceplate, and then I would have a new cabinet with a bunch of holes drilled in it.
As heavy (and well built) as this drawer cabinet is, no way I’m just going to try to attach it with screws to the seat base with no backing, I can picture cracks all around the base after a day running in rough seas. Thought about adding 5200 behind the face, but if cracks develop in the seat base or a slide fails in the cabinet I would be hosed.
I haven’t even tried the lower cabinet.
So, I’m quite frustrated, disappointed, at a loss.
A little more rant, IMHO, the OEM seat bases are all but worthless for storage. For as much volume as they contain and potential for storage, they simply don't work. It's all one large open area inside, put anything in the top and it fall to the bottom, then get on your knees and try to reach anything through the bottom hatch, all while trying to hold up the door and keep from snagging your arm on the large catch. I would have gladly paid a lot of $ to have a seat with a large, multi-drawer properly designed base with the seat on top. /End rant. sorry.