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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. H

    Storage Cover Ideas

    Hey all, Don't own a Parker, but own a similar styled boat, a Maycraft 23' Pilothouse. I've researched some of the boat cover manufacturers online and I can't find one that pre-fabs winter covers for Pilothouses. Anyone here have a recommendation? I am located in Long Island, NY if its...
  2. H

    Windshield Condensation Question

    Ordered a couple of bottles of the Aquapel - its priced right and looks like its tailor-made for my issue...hopefully will help. Will use my RainX on the outside. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions! John
  3. H

    Windshield Condensation Question

    Thank you both....I'll try again with the RainX. It may just be a case of frequency (as in I didn't do it enough). Dale, do you know what the $1 brand is called? I did try the search function before posting, but had 250 + responses for condensation and didn't find the pertinent information...
  4. H

    Windshield Condensation Question

    Hey all - love the site - although not a Parker owner, I am a Pilothouse owner (23 Maycraft) and find the resources on this site to be first rate - not to mention I love looking (drooling) at all the used Parkers for sale. I have a question about window condensation. I don't have a defroster...