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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. C

    New Parker owner maybe need help with decision

    It would not even be a question of buying it but I just started a c-hawk restore stringers up because I could not find a Parker and I literally just finished all the glass work on it still a long way to go but I'm in deep
  2. C

    New Parker owner maybe need help with decision

    I'm not sure if it's a 4.2 or not how do I tell also I'm not into a boat restoration already been down that road cleaning up wiring is not a big beal for me. Is there any trouble spots on this particular boat I should watch out for thanks
  3. C

    New Parker owner maybe need help with decision

    Would really like some input before i purchase
  4. C

    New Parker owner maybe need help with decision

    First let me start by saying hello and I love this forum new member but a wealth of info on here. Ok so I have been on the hunt for a 2520dv in my price range for a long time. Something close to me and not in to bad of shape. Well I came across this the other day on Craig's list...