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  1. B

    Notched transom?

    This was my solution to my Notch: ... php?t=6550
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    And an extra 200.00 for the prop..... The engine was in really great shape. I have seen posts here about people removing the cowl and spraying and whatnot after each use, I never lifted the cowl once, just flushed after each use and the engine still looked new, no salt creep anywhere! No need...
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    NO, I did not get the shirt or cap.... But I did get a 'new' F250 with 30 hours on it for 14k and a 5 year warranty so I do not feel so bad about not getting the swag. Not only that, they sold my OX66 225 for 5k so I essentially paid 9k for an F250, so I feel good about the deal :D
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    Here are a number of Google results showing that the reverse gear is stronger: ... 5&ie=UTF-8
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    NO SH*T!! Really? Well that is news to me. I will have to do so Google'ing on the subject now to find out more. If nothing else the gear case is stronger like he said and he did say that if he had a choice he would go with the LH, so makes me feel better. I wonder if what he said about the...
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    LH prop. Either a 17 or 18.

    Hi, you know I tried a Yam 19 and it was just too much, could not get the engine over around 5300 or so. I have a 17 on there now but acter reading that grouperjim has the same hull and engine using a mirage 18 I want to try that. Maybe it's possible to have the 19 cut down to an 18? I'll call...
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    LH prop. Either a 17 or 18.

    I recently put a Yam F250 on my 2310 and am looking for a 15 3/8x18 Mirage or a 17 Yam, but has to be an LH. thanks
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    Yamaha NMEA 2000 Cable

    Yamaha wants 800 or so for the gauges, I would rather buy a multi purpose display or another unit of some type that will allow viewing the nmea engine data as well as serve some other purpose, sounder, radar, or? The 800.00 for the gauge set can be better spent when put towards a 'Multi Tasker'...
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    fuel gauge problem

    I had the same issue and I popped open the acces over the sender and cleaned the ground and all was fine, but since it is so innaccurate I just installed a FloScan and now I know exactly how much fuel I have as well as my GPH that I am burning.
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    Yamaha NMEA 2000 Cable

    Thanks Catfish! I believe I just figured it out and ordered the 2 different cables, the Raymarine SeaTalk and the Yam 30 ft. harness and am going to splice the 2 together and that is supposed to work, along with a helluva lotta luck! BTW, has some great prices and if you enter the...
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    Yamaha NMEA 2000 Cable

    Hi, just got am F250 and want to connect it to my Raymarine via NMEA 2000 to display all of the engine information that it will allow but I am a little confused and cannot get the correct answer. I called RayMarine and they told me the part number for their cable, a stripped end spur cable with...
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    The above from grouperjim in the prop sticky sounds like my setup as well so I will try a 4 and the one he uses and see what happens.
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    that sounds like a great option, which motor do you have?
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    OK, got it. I am really ignorant about props, really ignorant.
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    Yeah, 2310. you think that prop would do it and why raise the engine?
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    Done Deal! Took it out yesterday and still have to get the right prop, put a 19 on there and could only get up to 5100 or so, but have a 17 to try today. I'll read that sticky in the forum but if anyone has any more specific feedback on props I would love to hear it. Thanks Again! Sean
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    Thanks for the feedback guys, You have no idea how much I appreciate it! You know that feeling when you are about to spend a lot of money and are not quite sure it is for the right thing, well multiply that times 100! I am baffled at the Yamaha Rep's feedback, posted above, that is what threw...
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    I thought twice about his statement as well but those words came from his mouth, anyway, I am moving forward with it. Just have to get used to the difference when backing down. Oh, one more thought, would the ducer for the sounder need to be moved from starboard to port due to the different...
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    I am not sure about that, I have a single. The unit I am buying is an F250 that they are giving me for 14k with the 5 year warranty so I think I can live with 200 less RPM's at WOT.......