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  1. Bmoore

    Where did you mount your Autopilot Compass ? Garmin Reactor

    Garmin exchanged my 2017 version to their new Reactor 40. Works perfect in same location where previous one was not working well. They added something to the Reactor 40 that makes it less sensitive to magnetic interference Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Bmoore

    ???BEST PROP FOR A NEW SUZUKI 300APX??? (2005 Parker 2320)

    Congrats ! Not sure about the prop, but I noticed your comment about blown Powerhead and running hard. That’s my worst fear !! I hope running higher rpm is not the cause. I was sort of under the impression that running these big 4 strokes at higher rpm / speeds was actually better for the...
  3. Bmoore

    Fuel Hose - Sealant ?

    Thanks Kevin. Good to know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Bmoore

    2017 2320 Head

    Thanks for the update. I also have a 2017 2320. Where does the water go if it gets through the hole that the toilet hoses feed through ? I also drains to the bilge the like cabin ? I’m always washing down inside my cabin. I don’t spray water in that hole... but water could...
  5. Bmoore

    Fuel Hose - Sealant ?

    Haha... not too picky. I’ve heard that too. My guess is it’s not that big of a deal. Funny thing is.... when I was asking around about what sealant this could be....three different dealers told me they don’t use sealant where the hoses connect to the tank. Oh well... guess Parker deems it to be...
  6. Bmoore

    Fuel Hose - Sealant ?

    Parker said this is what they use at the factory. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Bmoore

    Can't fill fuel tank on 2015 2520 XLD

    Spoke with Parker about this...The tanks have multiple valves inside the tank that stops the acceptance of fuel. Sounds like these valves are placed within different baffles throughout the tank. This has nothing to do with the slow fill issue, just confirms that the tank can’t be altered to...
  8. Bmoore

    F300 Powerhead protection - silicone spray

    Gave my Powerhead a good misting of Yamashield Silicone lubricant tonight. Any particular areas that I need to be careful not to spray it ? I just sprayed all around bottom where block meets the sides and all around the sides. I never removed the plastic covers or anything. If there is a...
  9. Bmoore

    Need Input on Prop Selection for F300 on 2320

    I’m happy with the stock SWS II 17 pitch that Parker uses on same model with F300 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    Update - lowered engine all the way back down for comparison and performs much better. Fuel economy went down a little. I’d say the best I see is about 2.4 mpg as opposed to the 2.6 when raised one hole, but boat hops out of the hole much better, prop bites better and not as much need for the...
  11. Bmoore

    Cleaning the decks

    Use Starbrite Deck Cleaner. Wet the deck. Sprinkle just a few spots around deck and move it around with deck brush. Wait a few minutes and give it a light scrub. Everything lifts off with zero effort. This stuff is amazing. I get a gallon on Amazon Prime for $26 and last a long time. Here you...
  12. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    Update - Took out boat yesterday with engine still raised one hole and was much happier with the overall ride and performance this weekend. Was seeing consistent 2.4-2.8 mpg at a good cruise. Didn’t notice any ventilation.
  13. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    Handling was way better after raising, but having to use a lot more tab to get the bow down now which I think is bringing my fuel economy down a little. I need to run it a bit more in different conditions to really know. Have you ever had any ventilation issues ? Sent from my iPhone using...
  14. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    Raised engine one hole and ran 80 miles yesterday. The first thing I noticed is how much it frees up the steering. It feels like someone added power-steering. Really improved that handling aspect, but....raising the engine caused the bow to ride higher and resulted in a lot more pounding. It was...
  15. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    Awesome feedback. Have you experienced any ventilation in a following sea up two holes ? I’m suppose to drop off boat this afternoon to go up one hole. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Bmoore

    New 2320 - anyone raised engine ?

    I’ve read threads regarding raising engine on older models, but has anyone with a newer 2320 and an F300 had their engine raised ? If so... I’d be real interested to hear how it performed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Bmoore

    Fuel Hose - Sealant ?

    Thanks for the feedback ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Bmoore

    Fuel Hose - Sealant ?

    Anyone know what this brown sealant is Parker is using on the Fuel / Vent Hoses ? I was going to remove to check for obstructions, but wanted to reinstall the same way the factory did. My local dealer told me they don’t use a sealant on hoses because the gas will degrade it. So what’s this then...
  19. Bmoore

    Finally got my new 2510 XLD.....

    Thanks for the offer ! I’d love to, but with all the family finally together I’d probably get an ear full if I tried to sneak out for a ride this weekend. I do that enough at home !! Fishing’s been great this summer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Bmoore

    Rub Rail leak - water in bilge

    I used 5200.... I know others like 4200, but I’ve never had issues removing small screws with 5200....I just don’t use it on larger flat surfaces that can really get stuck together, but for screws it’s always worked great and has been easy to remove. The trick to removing the rub rail is to...