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  1. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Went out this morning, but it was pretty rough water so couldn’t run her hard like I was hoping. Checked the dipstick and went up about anouther 1/16” from last week. Seems to go up that much each time I take it out. I’ll call dealer again tomorrow. Super frustrating. Boat has about 50 hours...
  2. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Thanks guys. Great info AK !! That’s super helpful. That 17 pitch prop seems good a good fit. Just trying to get a handle on my oil level rising. I ended up calling Yamaha in Georgia and they said try running it for an hour straight at 5500 rpms and see if that helps seat the rings. I’m really...
  3. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    hey Shawnee. If I’m trying to determine max rpms to see if I’m propped correctly for my boat weight ( w/ full bait tank etc... ) do you think I have engine trimmed out too far to achieve this Rpm / speed I stopped trimming when I could t get any more speed. Seems like I’m propped fine since I’m...
  4. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Thanks Shawnee. The T-Stats looked good but dealer replaced them to rule out that variable. I’ll be sure to update as time goes on for anyone else with a similar issue. Thanks ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Thanks Warthog. I agree, but if running WOT was so important during break in ( which I agree it is ). They should say something like “ be sure to bring engine up to WOT for a few minutes every hour between hours 3-7 during break in “ I bet a lot of people that just go by the book make this...
  6. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Thanks Warthog. I agree, but if running WOT was so important during break in ( which I agree it is ). They should say something like “ be sure to bring engine up to WOT for a few minutes every hour between hours 3-7 during break in “ I bet a lot of people that just go by the book make this...
  7. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Thanks for the feedback. Crazy to think these engines can get fuel dilution in the oil so easily. Just doesn’t make since... sounds like you broke your engine in better than I did. My dealer just wants to keep an eye on it and take it up with Yamaha if it continues. I’m also curious about the...
  8. Bmoore

    WOT- Testing Prop - 2320 with F300

    Hoping to get some help determining My WOT Rpms to see if I’m propped correctly. 2 weeks a go I hit 5200 Rpm at WOT with 2 guys, full tank and full 65 gallon bait tank, but I had engine trimmed all the way down. This weekend I got to 5800 rpm at 49 MPH, but had to trim up 6 bars to get this RPM...
  9. Bmoore

    Armstrong Bracket - Touch up paint

    Armstrong sent me a sample of paint that they use on the Parker Brackets. Figured I’d post in case anyone else was curious. I’m sure there’s other cheaper options. I just never could match the color. not bad to have for a few nicks here and there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Bmoore

    Channel Island Fun

    Nice !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Bmoore

    Mexico Yellowfin

    Finally put some blood on the deck of the new boat this weekend ! Struck out the last three weekends, but caught our limit and left them biting. Loving this boat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Bmoore

    Mexico Yellowfin

  13. Bmoore

    What is this ? Parker mounting material

    Thanks for the response. I thought maybe Parker had some novel solution and was looking to duplicate it. My electronics guy took out the entire bench and reinstalled with clear silicone to put battery charger behind splash I’m going to take it out, over drill holes, wet and fill with...
  14. Bmoore

    What is this ? Parker mounting material

    Does anyone know what the black stuff parker uses in between the hardware and the deck or gunnels. I’d like to source it and use when re-installing bench seat to deck. I can’t tell if it’s foam, black 5200 or butyl tape or something ? Anyone know. Attached are pictures Sent from my iPhone...
  15. Bmoore

    Alternator ? Maybe not charging

    Installer thinks it was never switched on when installed. Everything checked out fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Bmoore

    Can't fill fuel tank on 2015 2520 XLD

    When you top off does gas come out the vent ? Mine hasn't done that. I finally stopped when gas in the hose wouldn't go down anymore. I had to run 100 miles + last weekend and wanted the tank full but it's hard to tell with this new system. My old boat would just fill full speed and click off...
  17. Bmoore

    Garmin Electronics Install

    You might want to reach out to Garmin and see if they can give you a list of certified garmin installers or just ask any installers referred to you if they are. It makes support way better if anything goes wrong. I'm pretty sure they pay the installer for his time if they have to come out and...
  18. Bmoore

    Can't fill fuel tank on 2015 2520 XLD

    Got the new boat. Took me 1.5 hrs to put in 60 gallons last weekend. This is crazy ? I have to trickle the entire tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Bmoore

    Alternator ? Maybe not charging

    Circuit breaker wasn't turned on [emoji23]...or it was tripped. I'm thinking it may have never been switched on. Dealer's checking it out tomorrow. I didn't even think to check this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Bmoore

    Alternator ? Maybe not charging

    Dealer's going to look at it. Sounds like alternator isn't sending power to house bank. I'll post the resolution once they diagnose. I think on board charger was working, but never had enough time just plugging in over night to keep up with the excessive drain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk