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  1. J

    2002 2520 MVSC Refresh

    Replaced "junk" CoastalNightLights spreader (half of the LEDs failed after 2 seasons) to Lumitec:
  2. J

    2002 2520 MVSC Refresh

    More window pics:
  3. J

    2002 2520 MVSC Refresh

    Replaced all of the "black framed" Wynne brand windows with Diamond Sea Glaze:
  4. J

    2002 2520 MVSC Refresh

    Addition of second "freestanding" station (best addition to the boat!):
  5. J

    2002 2520 MVSC Refresh

    I am behind on updating projects over the last couple years. Here's a few updates starting with a repower to F300 Yamaha.
  6. J

    1999 225hp Yamaha saltwater series

    I did the same project and used 35 amp breakers to protect the wires to match max output of the SWSII 225. I have since repowered to F300 and had to double the size of breakers - you are welcomed to my 35's. Sent you a PM.
  7. J

    Toe Rail Material

    Arctic white starboard for the new "white" parkers (plus other colored gelcoats). Fish white starboard for the "off-white" almond colored Parkers. Unless the factory cuts their own in-house, I would check with the following two part suppliers for Parker:
  8. J

    Anyone have a 2820 with thru-hull Garmin transducer?

    Use this MDR transducer paint - the deliver method is water based vs a solvent which could possibly damage the transducer. Apply using a latex glove (the brush in the bottle is pretty much useless). Recommend about 5 coats to get you through a NE season...
  9. J

    New 2320 cabin door

    I like the radius corners that match the window frames but that larger door window will take some getting used to. Is the new door also made from a poly material (e.g. King Starboard)?
  10. J

    Door locks on Parkers

    You mentioned it was a plastic lock. The factory used to use a Perko door lockset like below. Can you attach a pic of what was installed? ... -lock-set/
  11. J

    Personal best striper

    Nice bass! Lower Del Bay?
  12. J

    forward bilge thru hull, 2520 pilot house

    Many have replaced the OEMs with stainless from Front: Stainless Steel Std. Thru Hull 3/4" PRE56547 Rear: (might not be an elbow on your XL) Stainless Steel Elbow Thru Hull 1-1/8" PRE56579
  13. J

    Windows replacement

    My Wynne front opening starboard leaked badly and the frames were starting to corrode a bit. DSG are just a nicer quality IMHO. I chose plain anodized finish (like Parker now uses) do have to keep them clean and dry to avoid pitting - I also apply Rupp Alumaguard. Powder coating or...
  14. J

    Windows replacement

    I replaced all of my original "black framed" Wynne windows with Diamond Sea Glaze. I would think the process would be the same regardless of manufacturer...I worked with a local fiberglass repair company on the project and it was two steps. 1st step: remove the old windows to trace out the...
  15. J

    2520 MV with F300

    I'll reply since I have the same set up and followed moose8420's prop advice with my repower; my performance matches his. 2520 14 Degree Hull Yamaha F300 with digital controls UCA (30 " shaft) mounted on notch transom Saltwater Series II with Shift Dampening System (SDS) 15.75" diameter x 15 pitch
  16. J

    Parker Canvas and Upholstery

    Ditto on Coastal Canvas! Michael Sasser is excellent.
  17. J

    parker 2320: adding a 30 degree rod holder

    I have a 2520 and I would think the gunnel width is the same. Starting closest to the transom, the stock were two port/starboard facing directly aft (0 degrees) moving to the bow two at about a 45 degree angle. The additional pair of 30 degree factory rod holders we added closest to the cabin...
  18. J


    If space is not an issue, my installer recommended having it angled towards the stern on the Parker to match the rake of the front windows.
  19. J

    2000 2520MV REPOWER 2017 YAM XBF250

    Good luck with the motor! With a modified vee hull, since more of the hull will not rise out of the water as you increase speed like a deep vee hull you are fighting a losing battle with drag resistance. I think that's pretty much top end for our 14 degree hulls +/- a few mph which is plenty...
  20. J

    2000 2520MV REPOWER 2017 YAM XBF250

    F300 4.2L 2002 MVSC Notch Transom 3 Blade YAMAHA Saltwater Series with SDS 15 3/4" x 15 3500 RPM 24mph 2.4mpg 3800 RPM 28mph 2.6mpg 4000 RPM 31mph 2.5mpg WOT 5900 RPM 42mph 1.5 mpg