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  1. J

    Dashboard riser 21SE

    I have the electronics box option but in the process of replacing the clear door with starboard and flush-mounted electronics. The door was difficult to see through and the strut kept failing to stay open.
  2. J

    21SE for Mass North Shore waters?

    I fish out of Cape May NJ and have been running a 21SE for quite a few years now. I downsized from a 28' CC to suit my interests (inshore/near shore). Everyone's previous comments have been spot-on regarding mod V vs DV. IMO the mod V is like a swiss army knife. I can fish in a foot of water...
  3. J

    Birdsall Leaning Post

    I did something a little different using the pedestals already in place. Built by Arrigoni Design Custom Boat Furniture, Samson Posts & Captain's Chairs For Sale | Arrigoni Design. Has combo cup/rod holders and slips right on and clamps to the pedestal.
  4. J

    WTB leaning post for 2300 CC. Currently have two captains chairs I will sell or trade.

    Call Kyle at Arrigoni Design Custom Boat Furniture, Samson Posts & Captain's Chairs For Sale | Arrigoni Design They will make you a custom one to fit over your pedestals. Can't get any easier.
  5. J

    21SE trolling motor

    Realize this post is a few years old but looking to install trolling motor on my 21SE. I think I'm going with a Rhodan 24v as I've heard good reviews about them, I'm sure Minn Kota and Motor Guide are good as well. The Rhodan 24v supposedly puts out a little more than 80# even with the 24v. My...
  6. J

    WTB leaning post for 2008 21se

    I have no problems with the sharper bend and really like the deeper seating on the one I had made. I can sit on it comfortably and the padding is thick so it doesn't dig in when leaning. Best of both worlds in my opinion. The combo cup/rod holders are awesome as there are no cupholders in the...
  7. J

    WTB leaning post for 2008 21se

    FYI, the 23 and 21 measurements for the live well / seat setup should be the same. I went through all the measurements swapping with my boat and a 25 around the same model year and it was the same.
  8. J

    WTB leaning post for 2008 21se

    I looked to do a swap as well with the factory leaning post. After digging in, I think you would have to remove the live well platform to get to 2 of the 4 pedestal bolts (per side) for removal. The other 2 can be accessed inside the live well. That would be the same for remounting the...
  9. J

    WTB leaning post for 2008 21se

    If you want an easy option contact Kyle at Arrigoni Design Custom Boat Furniture, Samson Posts & Captain's Chairs For Sale from Arrigoni Design They can build one for you that will fit right over your existing pedestals. Quick and simple - pull off your chairs and pop on the leaning post. Their...
  10. J

    Ordering a 2120 next week

    No question, definitely get the 200. The 2120 has a 21 degree deadrise DV hull and needs the extra oomph . I have a 2009 21SE with mod V and a 150, it's ok but would rather have a little more HP. Good luck with your purchase.
  11. J

    Ring Free vs Techron Protection Plus Marine

    I use ring free and Stabil 360 Marine. Not sure if that's overkill or not.