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  1. J

    Going over the maximum width

    Yes sir, not sure if it is optimistic at the moment but yes looking at the 25 SE. A 23 may be more in line and realistic though. I just keep saving and researching, we'll see what happens. I'm not one to trade around a lot so I want one I can be happy with for a while. Lots of good, big fishing...
  2. J

    Going over the maximum width

    That is great news thanks. I can handle $20. I won't have to worry about the Keys unfortunately. I think that would be a 2000 mile trip for me. 450 miles to Port Aransas from Dallas, TX is bad enough.
  3. J

    Going over the maximum width

    Great so it sounds like it isn't that big a deal. Back when I was a kid I got tired of hearing my Dad complain about how much of a pain it was to pull a big boat (only a 23 Mako). It seemed to really affect where we went and basic attitude if you know what I mean. Now that I have my own family...
  4. J

    Going over the maximum width

    The Parker 25' among other boats and models are well over the maximum width allowed by most all states. How do you get around this if you have to trailer? Is there a permit you have to buy every year to be in compliance? I am in Texas which has a 8.5' max width but would think it should be like...
  5. J

    Parker 23' and 25' CC person capacities

    The over 21 foot rule would be good. Thanks for the info everyone!
  6. J

    Parker 23' and 25' CC person capacities

    Hey guys, Just curious, I have got a rather large family :) What am I looking at for the coast guard ratings for numbers (not weight) for each of the 23' and 25' center consoles? I am not seeing this on the Parker website anywhere. Thanks!
  7. J

    What's with the 'negative comments' about notched transoms?

    Yep same here.....we had a 80's Aquasport with a 20" transom and no splash gate or well. It was more a pita and annoyance then a safety issue. No chance in keeping your shoes dry. Even so I would prefer a full transom if money was no object....
  8. J

    Parker 2501 pros and cons

    One aspect is both a pro and a con! That is the the 9.5' beam. Great once you get it in the water but may require a permit to trailer......
  9. J

    Pilot house questions and a few others.......

    Hats off Jeffnick! Very very COOL! :lol: Have or did you considered the marine, water-heat exchanger type? They seem pretty small and compact but plumbing the water lines would be a PITA.
  10. J

    Pilot house questions and a few others.......

    Thanks for the replies! The A/C would be great but I wonder how they hold up to all the saltwater spray? Even better if there was a way to mount the generator on top as well. Maybe with sometype of temporary mounting system. Very interesting too that was done on only a 21' boat. Shiznit is...
  11. J

    Pilot house questions and a few others.......

    First off HI everyone! This seems like a very informative site. I live in the Dallas, TX area and travel 250-400+ miles to the gulf as well as some rather large area lakes. I have never seen one in person but the sport cabins have really caught my eye over the past few years. It just seems...