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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. W

    First nice fish !

    Took my buddy and his family Striper fishing Sunday morning for a few hours. Was a slow bite with lots of boat traffic when we hooked a decent fish. I gave my buddy's little boy (about 7) the rod, but he was too small and bowed out...then mom grabs the rod and horse's in a nice 29lber. I...
  2. W

    Opening Day on Chesapeke ?

    I saw quite a few Parker's out there in the mid-bay dodging the traffic :lol: Any of you out there ? I was on the water by 6:15 and hoped to have at least an hour before the mayhem, but to no avail, the mayhem was already in full swing. Fished until 10:00 and managed to catch only 1 39 inch...
  3. W

    Frozen Tab Actuator

    John - Thanks once again for your help !! It apprears as though it was just old and a bit frayed, and not suffering from impact. Its really hard to tell definatively what happened because the boat is in the water and I really have have to strain to see anything. Funny thing is, when she was on...
  4. W

    Frozen Tab Actuator

    Filled the fliud resvoir and started checking my tabs which were working fine......noticed that the starboard actuator hose is blown. Its pushing fluid straight out. Has anyone replaced these ? Can you tell me how involved it is amd if its possible to do it while its in the water ? Thanks
  5. W

    Frozen Tab Actuator

    cbigma - Great Tip ! Checked the fluid and and sure enough it was about empty !! No signs of leaking fluid in bilge, so I am not sure where the leak is coming from. I am off to West Marine to get some fluid, hopefully, they have it. I thought the stock tabs were actually electric Lenco's. I...
  6. W

    Frozen Tab Actuator

    Splashed my boat today (2520), and on my shakedown cruise I realized my tabs (stock) were not working. I can hear the hydrolics pumping, but the tabs are not moving. Has anyone ever encountered this situation before ? Any and all troubleshoting advise is welcome. thanks Rich
  7. W

    Steiger Craft quality?

    That is a Parker classic ! :lol: Well done B-Faithful
  8. W

    Whacky Weather....

    I was supposed to splash mine today. Could have, but would have not been shake down day !
  9. W

    Fold Down rear seats ?

    At the Boat Show, the Parker rep said that fold down rear seats like you see on Pursuits and Gradys were becoming available as an accessory....price he quoted was $1200. Has anyone checked one of these out yet ? For $1200 I hope its really nice. I may take a ride down to Tri-State Marine this...
  10. W

    Power for 2520XL

    I have a 2520 DV w/ twin Yamaha 200's (2 stroke). I believe the boat you are looking at would be significantly underpowered w/ a single F-225. I bet you would have to be at WOT to get her up on a plane if you had 4 people and full tank of gas.
  11. W

    new owner yee haaaaa!!!!!!!!

    Congrats and welcome to the club !!! Best of luck with that beautiful new rig.
  12. W

    Another Tab question

    I want to upgrade the std 12x12 Lenco's on my 2520 XLDV this offseason. Was thinking of the Bennetts that everyone on here seems to love, but I suspect that it would be mush easier and cheaper to just upgrade the blade on the Lenco's.....has anyone tried upgrading the Lenco I...
  13. W

    Trim Tabs

    How much do those 9x24 Bennets cost and how big of a job is it to install them ?
  14. W

    trailering a Parker 2520

    Is a new 1/2 ton Ford or Chevy adequate to tow a 2520 ??
  15. W

    Bluefin Tuna Pic

    Beautiful far of a run is it for you out there, and how long to land that Tuna ?
  16. W

    Yamaha OX66 Alarm

    What do you mean by "The whole gauge is flashing?" Do you mean that all four of the warning indicator lights are flashing (1 temperature, and 3 oil level) Yes, that is exactly what is happening.....there is plenty of oil, but I need to wait a few minutes to restart or the alarm is still...
  17. W

    Yamaha OX66 Alarm

    I have twin 2000 Yamaha 200's on a 2520 ....both engines start and run great, however, if I run 4200 RPM's plus for any amount of time the alarm (solid tone) goes off on port engine. Not sure if the alarm is an over heat because the whole gauge is flashing (no Red). I shut the engine down for 5...
  18. W

    '99 Parker 2520 2-'04 250HP Suzuki's ***$40K***

    That boat would have to be ass heavy with those two huge 4-strokes, no ? There must be some "gotcha" on this deal. The way that boat is outfitted, 50K is a fire sale.....40K just does not add up to me. That said, it is a beautiful rig !