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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. W

    25 dv sc weight ?

    Porkchunker - I will take it anyway you have it. Boat has twin Yamaha 200 2-strokes (about 900lbs ?).
  2. W

    25 dv sc weight ?

    Anyone know the weight of a 2520 dvsc with a bracket ? I have read conflicting info (between 4300-5800lbs) and would like to know. Thanks, Rich
  3. W

    Tow truck for 2520 DV

    My wife has been after me to get a pick-up truck for some time, and now that I have bought my Parker (with trailer) I am definately seriously considering getting one that can satisfy my wife and safely tow my boat. Freinds of ours are selling a 2001 Chevy Silverado 2500HD (tow rating 10K) that...
  4. W

    Who has twins--would you do it again?

    I have the 2520 DV with twin 200' suck a lot of gas, and will definately re-power with a single 300
  5. W

    Maryland Parker Dealers ??

    What Parker dealers, other than Tri-State Marine are in the Baltimore/DC area ? I had some issues at Tri-State with the service manager and will not be going back there again....Guy was a real jerk (although I think they do fine work) and I would rather give my parts/service business to someone...
  6. W

    Chesapeake Stripers ?

    How many of you guys we out on the bay this am trolling for trophy bass ? I did not fair too well, 1 keeper (38inch) and one short :roll: .......I could not believe the fargin boat traffic :!: Not sure how anyone could hope to hook a fish after 10am. Still, it was a great start to the...
  7. W

    2510 Re-Power - Twin Yamaha 150 Four Strokes

    Congrats Gerg ! Did you consider going with a big single to improve fuel economy and lower maint costs ? I ask because I have twin 200's (2-stroke) and have thought when I have to re-power a big single (300 4-stroke hopefully is available) would be the way to go. However, I understand that I...
  8. W

    Parker's & Chesapeake Spring Stripers

    I will be in the mix begining at 5am :lol:
  9. W

    Boat Name ??

    Do you guys think its best to keep it black and red to be consistent with logo and stripe ?? Would like Green and Gold but concerned it will be too busy.
  10. W

    Boat Name ??

    Hi All - Wife wants to make sure we name this boat (2520 DVSC) versus just calling it "the boat" like our old Mako. I am leaning towards putting the letters on the side of the cabin, but am open to the side of the boat too. Any suggestions on placement and size of the letters would be most...
  11. W

    Replace Window Hardware

    I have a 2000 2520, and the HW on the front pilothouse windows is in disrepair. Port window will not stay open at all, and both have corrosion on latches. ...window frames themselves are fine, Has anyone else changed these parts out and are the parts readily available from Parker ? Someone else...
  12. W

    Just got my "new" Parker 2520 !

    I have a slip on Fishing Creek, right off Thomas Point.
  13. W

    Just got my "new" Parker 2520 !

    Have been lurking for awhile, but since my Parker just got shipped up to me yesterday I thought it was time to officially join the family ;-). I bought a 2000 2520 Deep Vee Sport Cabin, with twin Yamaha 200's (pray gas prices go down), rear sunshade with spreader lights and rocket launchers...