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  1. K

    Installing a fresh water tank and washdown

    I have a 13g fresh water tank and wash down on my 2320. There’s a huge amount of space in the center of the cabin. I cut out an access hatch and glassed in a box. Plenty of room to store anchors, fenders and tools to boot.
  2. K

    Fishfactor 2320 Rhodan 84 install

    Nope. User preference.
  3. K

    Spot Lock Bracket

    I have a 97 2320 that I’m getting a Rhodan 84” fitted for it in the coming weeks. Bit the bullet and paying for the install. This company has a standard bracket but can also custom fit. Hope to upload pix during the install. Dealing with Chad there; he’s been great so far...
  4. K

    2120 notched transom question

    I have a 2320, owned 20 years. Never an issue and I’ve been out in some real sh!t.
  5. K

    Thinking of selling 07 DF250

    I repowered and have been tinkering with my 800 hour engine in the garage. Had pulled the powerhead to do the driven gear gasket due to a small sheen on the water, but then touched too many things in reassembly, and it wouldn’t get on plane over 3k. Pretty sure it’s the shift position sensor...
  6. K

    2520 trolling motor

    I’d like to do the same on my 2320. Can you share the dimensions of the bump out for the trolling motor base from the pulpit?
  7. K

    2007 2320 tank replacement

    Nice job. Still on my 97 tank on my 2320 and no signs of impending failure yet. Did you replace your fuel sender? I replaced mine years ago but think I got the wrong size and want to get it right!
  8. K

    Help me pick a parker

    DV. I have a 2320dv. At drift you will rock a bit more. Think you are fine with 250 if propped right. I would also be concerned with a 2005 boat being neglected so early on in its life. I would read that as it was likely beat on and neglected throughout. I would be willing to bet it was wound...
  9. K

    thru hull transducer choice?

    Really want to buy the transducer. Any more feedback on the 12 or 20 degree?
  10. K

    thru hull transducer choice?

    Thanks. I still don't get why the twenty degree vs the 12 when the transducer is on the flat bottom part of the hull. Not sure if the modified v has this same small area on the back bottom of the hull. I also need to replace my rule switch. Are these water witches a good choice?
  11. K

    thru hull transducer choice?

    Thanks. I am looking forspecifics on the 12 degree or 20 do choose? Also in the pic whatsortof switches arson thosebilge pumps?
  12. K

    thru hull transducer choice?

    I have replaced my old garmin with a lowrance hds10. I have a 97 2320 DV. I am pulling out a dead thru hull on the flat part of the hull. I am confused on those tilted element b60's and looking for advice!
  13. K

    Parker hull/prop database

    Running a 2320 with a new DF250 Suzuki . Came with a 23x 16; no go, 5k WOT. Tried a 17x16 , great whol,e shot, max 6200 WOT, seems like the motor is working too hard. Got a 18.5 x 16, perfect, good hole shot, max WOT 6050 with full load of fuel and one on board, great cruise at 25-30mph...
  14. K

    Need Help with OX66...Again.

    Had the same problem, same engine/same year. Tested the compression before launch, 125 to 128 on all cylinders. Went on first trip, running fine, engine lost power, could never get it back up over 3900 rpm. pulled the motor, fried piston. Always ran Yamalube, ring free, and all good upkeep...