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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. S

    Carpet Stains

    I have stains too, plus it's falling down. Does anyone know what works best to make it stay put? No headliner would have been the ticket! Anthony
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    Announcing: The 2007 ClassicParker Annapolis Rendezvous!

    Kevin, If the weather is descent I will come down from Middle River again. Look forward to seeing everyone again. Is Dale coming?
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    Just bought a 2007 Parker 2120

    Where are you in Middle River? I keep my 2510 in Frog Mortor Creek at Chesapeake Yachting Center.
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    Steiger is Complete and in the Water New photos 6/14/07

    How do you sleep at night? Looks very nice!
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    rod racks 2510 wa

    I bought some from this place and mounted them in the same area Porkchunker has his.
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    The Sad Saga Continues...

    I don't know what it is but it's not ethanol. I ran ethanol all last year and have 60 hours this year so far and my F225 run perfect (knock on wood). 570 hours and no issues on a 2002. Hope everything works out soon for you.
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    Second annual ClaccicParker Annapolis Rendezvous

    If it's a date I can make I will be there. My kids wanted to know when the next was the day after we went last year. It was a good time! Anthony
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    12 Year Old First Striper and his Dad's 43"

    I took a friend and his son out, this is his first rockfish 34".
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    Skunked by the slot

    The other day we caught 5, all but one was in the slot. At least it's action and I wouldn't call it a skunk.
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    Rock Fish

    In Maryland we call Striped Bass- ROCKFISH See my post below and there a few pics. Anthony
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    Chesapeake Rockfish (Stripers)

    Blue Sky, In the spring most people troll for them. I troll 10 lines and use planer boards out 80' on each side (2 rods per board). We try to cover water from 7' down to 35'. I use umbrella rigs w/ parachutes rigged with 9 or 12' shads and tandem parachutes. 10 rods are manageable and is easy to...
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    Chesapeake Rockfish (Stripers)

    Fishing has been a little slower than normal for the beginning of the Rockfish season, but here a few resent photos.
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    SLow day opening day

    You did better than me, congrats. I went out at 1 and fished to 7:30 with a ten rod spread and didn't have a knock down. First time ever that I have been skunked during trophy season. Plenty of marks and bait, but they would not bite and not many boats. Talk to a few folks on the radio and they...
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    2510 prop question

    I have the same boat engine combo. I have the 15 1/4 x 17 Stainless prop, I believe it's the best prop. I have a 15 1/4 x 15 that I tried and it's to small, you can get 6200 from it. 4200 RPMs=25 mph=9 gph WOT 5800-5900 38-40mph depending on load.
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    Trailer for 2520?

    To me it sounds like Richard has the perfect trailer. Definetly go with a tandem axle. My boat came with a triple axle and it's a pain to move around.
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    repowered 94 SCMV w/F225

    I have a F225 on a 2510 MV (Same hull as your boat). I have a Yamaha 15 1/4 x 17 Salt Water SS prop with a painted clean bottom I can get 5900 rpm and do 39-40mph. I can't remember the exact numbers but I believe at 4000 rpm you should be no more than 9 gph with calm seas.
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    Parker 2310 deep v

    Parker did make a Mod V 2310. I looked at an older one about 5 years ago but I don't remember what year it was. It had a older 2 stroke 150 on it.
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    Painting motor bracket

    Thanks Dale. I sanded it down today, is there any particular primer needed? I don't see Trilux II but they sell Trilux 33 which is for aliminum too.
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    Painting motor bracket

    I'm going to repaint my motor bracket this weekend. I want to use an ablative paint, what is a good choice? Thanks in advance, Anthony
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    Kayak storage project

    But the garage isn't painted, whats up with that? Just kidding. I need to lend you my kids for a week, they could tear that house up. Nice job on the yak storage! Anthony