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  1. S

    This weekends fishing with kids

    These pics are from Saturday. I took my daughter (Stephanie), her friend (Taylor), Matt and his father (Bob) and my good friend (Lou)as first mate. This was Taylors first time fishing for any thing other than pan fish. She was up first and caught a 39" that was just under 25 pounds, she was...
  2. S

    Smoked them on the Chesapeake today

    Greg, I went on a Charter Sunday out of Solomons. We had 10 people from work on the boat and caught 11 fish. We did get a 42". Everything else was 29-35". I checked out the filet table and seen what looked to be better than 46" from another charter. I'm not into the tournament thing but good luck.
  3. S

    Smoked them on the Chesapeake today

    Beautiful day on the bay, sunny, warm and nice breeze with a 1 to 2 foot chop, only a few other boats and bait everywhere. We caught 10 and two others got off. Nothing real big, fish were between 31 and 38". Had four co-workers with me and everyone got to bring a few in. Should have pics in a...
  4. S

    Aprill 22-Cold and rainy

    Greg, Were getting a few but I'm struggling this year. Usually I'm good for a fish an hour. I wrote you cell # down the other day, I should have called you for a tip. Anthony
  5. S

    Aprill 22-Cold and rainy

    I took my wife and a friend of mine and his wife out hoping for a good day. We caught only caught two. But I give the ladies credit for sticking it out with the conditions. Here is a picture of my wife and her fish. I'll be back out Saturday.
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    Just south of Annapolis April 21st

    I'll be out fairly early hopefully those 25mph winds they are calling for stay away for a while.
  7. S

    Just south of Annapolis April 21st

    I was eating my heart out today looking out the window today. I will be giving it a go tomorrow. Anthony
  8. S

    Chesapeake Opening Day and the day after

    Fished Saturday and it was tough for me, we only caught one; At least my daugher got one (35"). We trolled for seven hours. Sunday was much better, very few boats to my surprise. We fished a different area all together and got our quick limit of three and got home at a reasonable time...
  9. S

    Ches Bay opening day

    Chris is a great captain...nice custom. Is he comming out of Solomons? Tell him to give me a halla...Good Luck! I have been out with Chris a few times, hell of a captain but he needs to cut down on the smokin'
  10. S

    Ches Bay opening day

    Greg, You know I have your DF in my mind. Our charter is with Captain Chris Lopynski on "Game On". If you see his boat it looks like Noah Arc, it's huge and only a few years old.
  11. S

    Ches Bay opening day

    Kevin, I'm sure there will be plenty of cursing on the radio. I keep my planers on a short leash 75 feet but even at that distance it's gets a little hairy sometimes with all the traffic. There's always a few captains who want to pay chicken and guys who have long lines out that seem to be...
  12. S

    Ches Bay opening day

    I'll be out Saturday and Sunday. Coming out of the Magothy and fishing between BB and Bloody Point. It will be a zoo but I'm just looking for a few knock downs. I will be out the following Wed too and hopefully a few late afternoons. Even though it will be crazy out there I'm still looking...
  13. S

    Good Friday!!!

    I will be fishing some weekdays and found starting around 2 pm it thins out quite a bit on weekends. I will have to give that 45-55' a go. If you go out opening day good luck. Any boat less than a year old is new in my book regardless of hours.
  14. S

    Good Friday!!!

    Sounds like a great day for the crew. Looks like your around Matapeake in one pic and catching everything high. Do you think the fish will be high once there's all the boat traffic come Saturday. Can't wait for Saturday hope to see your new boat on the water. Anthony
  15. S

    Planer boards

    I thinks its hard to say weather it hurts the fish or not (By the way I'm not against C & R if it's in the bay or the flats) But how many fish are dragged in with their mouths wide open for 5 minutes on the surface, It can't be good for the fish. I don't do much C & R in the spring in the bay...
  16. S

    Planer boards

    Once you use them a few times, they are very easy to use. You have to run each line at a different depths to keep from tangling. Weekends are tougher because of a lot of boats are out and you need some extra room.
  17. S

    It is back on!!!!! Good half day on the bay!

    Looks like a real good day. I always seem to get bigger fish off my deep rods. I got my boat in the water Monday and going over tackle Saturday. I might get the boat down to the Magothy (Sister's Pier) on Sunday if weather permits. With a little luck I might get a few hours in on Sunday.
  18. S

    2510 mvwa deadrise?

    14 degrees for sure
  19. S

    Spring prep is in full swing!

    Mine is wash, waxed and had some motor maintenance done, just have to touch up some bottom paint and mine will be in next weekend. Might even tow it to the marina Sunday.
  20. S

    2510 mvwa

    Welcome to the site. You got a great deal on that boat. There are a few of us around with that boat. Anthony