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  1. S

    Hesitant post for me. Parkerless but not boatless...

    Whats that your third boat in a year, your wife is a saint. Nice looking whaler ! :)
  2. S


    Sounds like it's going to blowing pretty good. Good Luck ! We picked up a few around Matapeake, my daughter got this one. We went out around 5pm and only fished for a few hours.
  3. S

    My 14 year old daughter's big striper with a big smile

    Went out Saturday May 3rd and fished the BB-Matapeake area for two hours. My daughter caught her largest striper to date a 40" spawned out rockfish. I think the pictures tell it all.
  4. S


    Catching 18 fish in a day is very impressive. How is that left arm feeling? :) I'm not fishing the tournament, how was boat traffic. Good luck tomorrow. I might take the family out Saturday late afternoon/evening for a few hours if the weather looks good and fish around Matapeake to TPL. Anthony
  5. S

    Stripers from the Chesapeake-another day

    Here are a few shots from Wed. April 30.
  6. S

    More Stripers from the Chesapeake

    I took two women from work out one afternoon for a few hours we ended up with 3 fish.
  7. S

    found something i hate about my parker

    I bought the Ongaro's after mine original set died and they lasted about 6 months, what a waste of money that was. I went with a whistle.
  8. S

    Announcing! The 3rd Annual CP Chesapeake Rendezvous

    Always a good time! Will have to check our schedule but I hope its open. The kids love the trip down from Middle River and join in the "Parkerthon" fun :lol:
  9. S

    Trip to the mouth of the Chesapeake

    Never done it before but it sounds fun. Hopefully you will get a week of good weather and light winds, that is a long run in a 21 footer.
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    Chesapeake Rockfish

    Here are a few pictures of striped bass caught on April 26. Fishing for me has been good one day and tough another but I guess that is why they call it fishin and not catchin.
  11. S

    Tough Opening day

    I was out Sunday, below the BB trolled down to just below 88. We caught two around 32". I did see a 2120 below the bridge. Saturday was a skunk for me too, had two fish on and lost them both and we fished from 6:30 to 4pm. My brother did catch two on Saturday, one was 37". I saw two fish caught...
  12. S

    Santa Rosalia, Baja Mexico 3-25 to 3-30-08-Yellowtail &

    Outstanding report and a great read !
  13. S

    Marina Charges!

  14. S

    Marina Charges!

    I pay almost $2400 for my slip and you can keep it in for 12 months, plus we have a pool/hot tub (Open to Midnight Fri and Sat and 10pm the other days), horseshoes, gazebos and a playground for the kids. The gazebos are huge and on Saturday's we have movie night for the kids and cookout. C Pier...
  15. S


    Hello Rich, Glad to see another Parker in Middle River, I come out of Frog Mortar Creek. Anthony
  16. S

    Racor filter

    You bought a new boat, right? You should have a Yamaha water separator on the boat now, it should look like a large blue oil filter. It is not a Racor brand but is a 10 micron Yamaha filter. Replace it once a year and you should be good. Keep an extra on the boat just in case.
  17. S

    Splash Date?

    I hope to be in by the weekend
  18. S

    towing limits

    I agree. I'm very carefull towing the boat; permit or no permit an accident can happen anytime even crossing the street to get gas.
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    Startron is a stabilzer that is used for E-10, you can get this at Wal-Mart You can pick up Ring Free at Beacon Light Marina. Get in good with Chris Pine the service manager, if you need anything he can help you out. Anthony
  20. S

    towing limits

    I have a 2510 too, legally you should have a permit. With that said I tow mine to and from the marina once or twice a year, I don't get a permit. It's about a 20 mile trip for me, if I were to tow reguarly I would get the permit. Mr. Porkchunker tows his all the time and has the permits, there...