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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. S

    where in baltimore area, if you had a choice

    I live in Harford County, town of Fallston. Great area to raise kids, housing can be anywhere from 350,000 to 1.5mm and great schools. There is still some rural feel to the area, most houses have a least 3/4 acre. The town of Bel Air is about 15-20 minutes away which has every store and...
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    Folklore and Fishing

    A lot of Charter Captains in Maryland have no bananas signs on their boats.
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    Salt water fishing lic

    Maryland has one, the boat sticker is $50.00 and is good for anyone on the boat. My fishing license was $75 this year $50 Saltwater Boat $20 Freshwater $5 Trout Stamp
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    Left the dock … and heading for home

    Sorry for your loss Dale. Maybe he will meet up with my Dad and go fishin' God bless, Anthony
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    Baltimore Boat Show

    Best deal I saw was a 19' Maycraft with a 115 Susuki and trailer $17,500 from Ed's Marine. How is that possible.
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    Baltimore Boat Show

    $63,000 for the 23 CC with head
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    New 34

    I talked to Robin at the Balto. Boat show yesterday, She told me the boat will be rigged with two 350's the boat has a 12' beam, LOA 40 feet. **Estimated cost around $250,000, this is only an estimate and she really doesn't know how much it will be.
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    25 foot walkaround powered by a yamaha 225 4 stroke

    I would assume it is a 2510 mod V. If it is it's the same boat I have. mine will do 38-39 mph. You can cruise around 25 mph and tweak it to 8 1/2 to 9 gph. I think those numbers are ok and is fuel efficient in my opinion.
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    OH Jeezzzzzzzzz!!!!

    I see you like O'Malley as much as me the Freekin idiot
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    What's the best way to empty 50 gal.s of gas from an 1801cc?

    Don't empty the tank, treat it with Starton and you will be fine.
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    Issues with f225 yamaha

    Do you keep your boat in the water, maybe you have some growth on the bottom?
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    December cruise photos

    My family and four other families took a Thanksgiving cruise out of Baltimore to the carribean. There were 10 kids in our group between 7 and 14, needless to say they all had a blast.
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    Looking at a new Parker

    I have a 2510 MV and I fish the Chesapeake Bay only and a long run would be 20 miles, 80% time the mod V is all you need and is a great boat for the bay. But if my fishing was going offshore or always in nasty conditions and long runs were the norm, the only logical choice would be the deep V...
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    Winter Cover - PVC frame and tarp details

    How long does it take you to construct that beast. :D
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    Purpose of tarping?

    I pulled mine last week and was planning on winterizing this weekend but there is about 4 inches of snow on it. I wash and wax it. A few years ago I framed out two 4 x 8 sheets of plywood and lay them over the Gunwhales in the cockpit and put a tarp over that (Fits perfect for a 2510). This...
  16. S

    Ride of the 21 degree V - Parker

    I would have sold my 14 degree 2510 because of the ride but I put 9 x24 Bennetts trim tabs on and now the boat runs a lot better. Do a search on the site quite a few owners put them on.
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    Pulling But Not Done

    Pulling my boat out Saturday and will take home on winterize. Can't make it to CBBT. two kids, xmas, swim meets for the kids. Good luck down there, I'm sure I'll see some good pics. My brother is down there this weekend. I will have to settle for bass, pickeral and crappie that we catch in my...
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    Classic Parker break 1000 members!

    Dale, Come on down to Maryland and I will buy you a beer. Congrats on a great site! Anthony
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    The Birth of My Parker

    Great pictures. I want one too... :D
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    My family grew yesterday!!!

    Congrats, good looking boy! :D :D :D :D :D