Trying to find the black flapper for this scupper. I believe it’s the drain to my bait tank. Anyone have an opinion on which replacement to buy? Some say the Thru Hull brand won’t warp because they are plastic vs rubber. Thoughts?
Ya according to your pic it’s the same part/model # M-6AP from Innovative product solutions.there does appear to be some changes in design from you pic. Mine also also has the notch that extends down at the gap
Interesting because mine are the exact same part/model number. Are you referring to the the notch that extends further down where the gap is? Curious if they improved the hatch design
Those are the same ones I had on my 2012 2320. If you keep sealing them you may not have an issue. The o rings certainly do fail over time and the plates get deformed from being stepped on. Those pie plates are the Achilles heal of that coffin box. The screw down ones I installed are more flush...
Are you talking about the pry up pie plates for inspection? If so, yes I would definitely replace them as they commonly fail and allow water intrusion into you coffin style gas tank. I just replaced mine and used the Tempress screw down style ones. I would also epoxy the exposed wood in the...
I would reach out to Ken Reeves at prop gods. You can reach him at [email protected] or (941) 735-5808. He helped me re prop my 2320 with a Yamaha f250 (4.2L)
Just my 2 cents. I have a 2012 2320 and have very similar issues when filing up at the gas station as I trailer my boat. I have the last year for the 150 gallon tank without the evaporative emission system so I cannot speak on that. However, after I did all the tests, blowing into the tank...