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  1. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    That would make sense then
  2. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    What size motor do you have? From what I researched the top mount was for 70-200hp applications and bottom mount for 200+. Curious if the previous owner mounted the wrong permatrim on my 250 or if that is a newer concept. My motor is a 2012 and the permatrim came not long afterwards from what I...
  3. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    I guess my post didn’t clear it up. That is not a shim although the picture makes it look that way. That is just daylight seeping through. In other words your looking through the gap between the cut out to the permatrim and the edge of the cav plate. Guessing the bolts coming lose and cracked...
  4. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Warthog are you talking about this? If so it’s not a shim just the actual cut out of the permatrim, in other words just daylight. I’m curious if whoever installed it didn’t seat the permatrim back far enough
  5. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Ok so the previous owner installed it correctly for the type of permatrim he mounted. Seems to me like the top mount would pull on the bolts as the force wants to lift the permatrim off the cav plate. But what do I know
  6. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Yup mine is not cut the same way
  7. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Interesting thank you. I will call permatrim and make sure it should be mounted below
  8. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Yup 2013 4.2L, same motor. So you raised your motor and went with a rev tech 4 blade. How did you like that vs the permatrim and lower motor. I’m in northern CA and our sea state is rarely great. I was concerned about ventilating as well in a following sea if I lowered the motor
  9. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    I had a hydrofoil on my last boat with a yami 150 and it mounted under the cav plate as well. This permatrim was on the boat when I bought it. Are you running the same permatrim on a similar size ob? And do you have pics?
  10. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim - looking for feedback

    When I purchased my 2012 Parker 2320 it had a permatrim on a Yamaha 250. From all my research I discovered there were two camps, those that swore by them and those who believed it was a bandaid. The later preferred raising the motor and using a 4 blade prop for better stern lift. While cleaning...
  11. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    No worries it’s not my intent to keep using the permatrim I’m just looking for advice or past experience from anyone who has done this repair
  12. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    That was my suspicion as well but I’ve heard of many a case where these aluminum permatrim or hydrofoil have resulted in cracked cavitation plates. So I’m not sure, could be the cab plate cracked and then worked the nuts lose because of movement
  13. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    Thanks for the response. From what I understand the prep work is crucial and the work needs to be done on bare aluminum. In regards to the heat plate do I put it underneath the cav plate when welding the top and then place it on top of cav plate when welding the bottom? Or am I not understanding...
  14. 12Parker2320

    Permatrim caused cav plate to crack?

    I’m sure this topic has been discussed many times but I couldn’t find any consistent answers. After my last trip chasing salmon in typical PNW squared sea state conditions I noticed my cav plate was cracked all the way through more than half the plate. The permatrim was the only thing holding...
  15. 12Parker2320

    Cover for Parker 2320

    Thanks, did you send them measurements to account for radar etc or is this a prefab cover they make
  16. 12Parker2320

    2021 2302 Ride Quality

    Because of where the helm is positioned you will feel the impact more than you would on similar hulls on cuddy cabs or CC boats. You learn to pilot according to conditions and knowing the boat. My 2320 is a tank and handles great. I came from a 20’ NR so it’s a Cadillac compared to that
  17. 12Parker2320

    Retirement Dream 2320

    Congrats beautiful boat
  18. 12Parker2320

    Bait tank question

    My 2012 2320 came with a 48 gallon blue water bait tank. I recently noticed slight movement at the base and some of the caulking has separated from the bait tank. At times I’ve had crew lean or sit on my tank despite my admonishment not to. My question is, should I be concerned with water...
  19. 12Parker2320

    Insert rod holders

    Thanks that makes sense
  20. 12Parker2320

    Overflow issue

    I believe your right or at least I’m hoping so. The fill hose is what 1 1/2” in diameter? and the vent house is maybe 5/8”? I noticed now the pressure is more a result of how fast I’m fueling when topping off. If I hold the nozzle down full blast I’ll get a pretty quick blow back, however, if I...