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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. 1801Steve

    Total length of 18' on trailor

    I measured my 2015 some years back when I was trying to rent a garage for it.... my notes say 26-0 with engine up, 24-6 with engine down. 8-0 high, 8-6 wide (trailer). Weight ~2640 lbs. + gear, fuel + trailer.
  2. 1801Steve

    Introduction and a couple of skinny water questions

    Welcome the the Bay. You're gonna love it! That's a big move, both in distance and topography/geography. What brings you our way?
  3. 1801Steve

    BOE Marine Fast and free warned

    So BOE Marine/UPS delivered your package intact. Good, serviceable order. And YOUR dogs damaged it. And you are shaming BOE? Huh? Sue your dogs....
  4. 1801Steve

    Hull Discoloration- Previous Repair?

    Yep, that's repaired gelcoat. Can't tell much else though.
  5. 1801Steve

    New Member in MD - 2010 1801 Yama 115

    I made the mistake of putting my trollling motor on the port side. Batteries in the aft port corner locker. Aggravated what was a minor port list with me standing at the wheel. Finally moved the batteries to the locker under the front console seat, on the right side. Much better.
  6. 1801Steve

    New member lower Chesapeake

    Welcome Stuart. I'm in Richmond, Have owned an 1801 almost ten years. Love it! Good luck finding the right boat.
  7. 1801Steve

    2020 1801 Bilge Location

    I'm a marine surveyor. Be aware that if you install a check valve in the discharge you are adding a flow restriction which reduces the pump's output. Also if it gets stuck in the shut position (and they do) then your pump output goes to zero!
  8. 1801Steve

    Manufacturer Defect

    If this is what I think it is, it's years old. Ancient history.
  9. 1801Steve

    Picking up new 1801 this week.

    Coincidence... I'm in Richmond and took delivery of my new 1801 nine years ago this week. I mostly use it for catfishing.
  10. 1801Steve

    Drainage mat
  11. 1801Steve

    Do I need a buyers broker to buy a PH?

    I disagree. The seller's broker is just that - the seller's broker. He has a fiduciary duty to his client. He has no duty to you. He isn't necessarily out to screw you, but don't expect him to "have your best interest at heart." To answer your question, no you do not need a buyer's broker...
  12. 1801Steve

    Parker price?

    FWIW, I understand that prices for used Parkers are higher on the Left Coast than on the East Coast.
  13. 1801Steve

    Parker Cleaning product questions

    I have a 2015 1801. My deck is painted nonskid. It collects more dirt than a 7 year old boy on a dirt playground. The only way I've been able to get it clean is Soft Scrub with bleach. Squirt it on, spread with a deck brush, let it sit, then scrub with a stiff deck brush. Rinse and (usually) repeat.
  14. 1801Steve

    Winterize raw water washdown / livewell pump

    What warthog said... I have the same arrangement on my 1801. The bait well pump is self draining (like the outboard). I remove the cap from the wash down fitting, run the pump long enough to get air, then turn it off. Remove the screen from the wash down pump filter and let it drain completely...
  15. 1801Steve

    Help with windows for a 2520

    Not sure who made the windows for that boat, probably Taylor Made. Doesn't matter, though, because the original window manufacturer no longer has the pattern. I'm a marine surveyor, have a claim on a big 2010 Sea Ray. Taylor Made just laughed when I called them.... Ocean Dynamics in Miami can...
  16. 1801Steve

    Parker parts sucks!

    Just so you know... this is not just a Parker issue. I'm a marine surveyor. Can't tell you how many times repair shops and owners have had this problem because parts change from year to year. A decal from 2009 is not the decal they are using now. They don't have the 2009 decals and have no idea...
  17. 1801Steve

    About to purchase a new 1801

    You are going to love the 1801. I bought mine new 8 years ago. I fish it a lot. But it's just me most of the time... It is not a 4 person boat for anything but short cruises.
  18. 1801Steve

    Deck trim

    Buy some Starboard and cut it to fit?
  19. 1801Steve

    Swapping out the Plow Anchor for a Danforth

    Get the biggest anchor you can comfortably handle and store. Then put at least 12' of chain on it. Anchors are like fire extinguishers.... the bigger the better.
  20. 1801Steve

    Advice for pulling a Volvo Penta 5.7 with rusty oil pan

    How old is the engine? That determines how much you want to spend on it. Not sure about how much room it takes... Definitely replace all the engine mounts. And yes you will need to do an alignment. If this is an old engine and you plan to keep it a while, replace all the fuel hoses. Replace...