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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. 1801Steve

    My New 2021 Parker 1801

    Congratulations! You will love that boat.
  2. 1801Steve

    Fuel tank size options from factory 126 or 170?

    The tank should have a label that's visible from the access port. But 24 years ago, who knows?
  3. 1801Steve

    First time Parker owner

    Welcome aboard. I have learned a lot on this site....
  4. 1801Steve

    18' Parker Needed Now!

    I'm not interested in selling, but you will get better response if you post your location and how far you are willing to travel for the right boat.
  5. 1801Steve

    17/18' Trolling Motor Install- Lithium Batteries?

    I use the boat about 40 days a year. On each trip I probably run the TM an average of an hour. The batteries are original (3.5 years) and are doing fine.
  6. 1801Steve

    17/18' Trolling Motor Install- Lithium Batteries?

    I installed a Ulterra 80# 60" on my 1801 about two years ago. Love it. Just went with two wet cells. Don't know the size, I think group 27. Maybe 24's. whatever fit in the seat locker. Battery life has not been a problem. I just plug in the charger every 3 or 4 trips. If you go with Li...
  7. 1801Steve

    Transom holes Polyester vs Epoxy

    You could just put sealant on the screw and put them back in....
  8. 1801Steve

    What size screen

    I currently have an 8" screen on my 1801. Will be installing a Lowrance HDS Live 12" Monday. I looked at the dimensions. The 12" will fit nicely, the 16" would overwhelm the console. Will have pictures next week.
  9. 1801Steve

    Paint code

    If you are talking about gelcoat the original color won't match anyway.... the hull has 17 years of fading.
  10. 1801Steve


    Almost certainly not. Look at your policy for Exclusions. You will probably find that damage caused by corrosion is excluded.
  11. 1801Steve


    When someone posts this kind of thing on Hull Truth I reply with a standard copy and paste.... I’m a marine surveyor and our company only does damage survey work (i.e. claims). We did about 600 claims last year. I’ve been at it for 32 years so I’ve seen it all. A couple of things to think about...
  12. 1801Steve

    SOLD: Parker 18 Swing back seat

    I'm not interested, but you will get more interest if you tell potential buyers where you are. Your profile doesn't say.
  13. 1801Steve

    Parker 1801 trolling motor location

    <With 60'' I am worried about in 1-2' waves prop would come out from water. Any 18' owners experience out there?> FWIW I have a 2015 with a 60" MinnKota U Terra. Fish in fresh water, occasional waves 1-2', never any problem. I can trim this unit up and down.
  14. 1801Steve

    Current Boat Market

    People buy boats all the time, people sell boats all the time. Just put it on the market when you are ready to sell it. In addition to pricing recommendations above, I would add to be very upfront with any potential buyers. If you have a serious buyer, tell them in that first phone call what's...
  15. 1801Steve

    1801 Parker -new guy

    You will love that little boat.....
  16. 1801Steve

    Parker 1801 trolling motor location

    This isn't a great photo but it's all I have at the moment. Mine is on the port side, parallel to centerline. I had to eliminate one of the cleats. If I were doing it again I would put it on the starboard side, since my weight is on the port side. Would also put batteries on the starboard side...
  17. 1801Steve

    Parker livewell with captain chairs

    It's a photo of a custom order on my 2015 1801. I am in Richmond VA.
  18. 1801Steve

    Help with livewell

    [130gal X 8.3 = 1079lbs..... and thats without fish in it.] LOL... it weighs about the same with fish in it. You add a gallon of fish then you have one less gallon of water.
  19. 1801Steve

    The 1801... the right fit for me?

    [ If you get one, BE SURE IT HAS A 150 Yammy! DONT GET THE 115.] I disagree. Depends on what you want to do. I've owned my 1801 for five and a half years; it has a 115. Most of the time I fish by myself. The boat jumps up on plane and at WOT runs 37-39 MPH. There is no reason for me to have a...
  20. 1801Steve

    Parker livewell with captain chairs

    I suspect they look like the. I ordered the livewell and captain seats installed on my 1801.