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  1. 1801Steve

    1801 console set up?

    Can't speak for others.... but I am a freshwater boater. I carry a handheld VHF, but do not have one permanently mounted.
  2. 1801Steve

    Warranty question

    If you cut holes in the gunwale and water subsequently enters there and damages your hull, then the warranty could be void on that damage. Same thing if you drill into the deck for any reason.
  3. 1801Steve

    Core Material

    Warthog may think differently, but as a general rule replacement core should be the same material as that you removed. That is, if you remove balsa put balsa back. Otherwise you have differing strengths/stiffness where the transition is from one material to the other.
  4. 1801Steve

    Help Trolling Motor Nightmare

    As we used to say in Texas, muchos betteros. :>) Glad this worked out ok.
  5. 1801Steve

    Jack plate on Parker 1801?

    How old is your boat? How much weight do you think you have added? What is the fuel level and passenger load when you ran wide open and got 35MPH? I have a 2015. I usually carry a half tank of fuel or so. Some fishing gear and "junk" but not a lot. Fish by myself most of the time. WOT is...
  6. 1801Steve

    I have a 2001 Parker 2110 I might be interested in selling. It has a 2020 200HP Suzuki outboard with less than 40 hours on it.

    Seriously? Might want to sell? No price? No photos? I guess you are hoping someone calls and offers 150% of what you think the boat is worth. :>)
  7. 1801Steve

    1801 Questions

    They are the captain's seats that Parker was putting on the 2100 CC (maybe the 2300 CC) in 2015. May have been optional on those boats, don't remember. Because of the way I fish my boat these made way more sense than the standard bench seat. But my dealer convinced Parker to put these on my new...
  8. 1801Steve

    1801 Questions

    Here's another solution, though it would be quite a bit of work and probably $ too. This is the setup on the 21's. I had my 18 built with these seats.
  9. 1801Steve

    Fuel tank corrosion

    That is major corrosion on the top of the tank. No way of knowing what the bottom looks like. But the tank is 17 years old. That is typically the expected life in salt water. The corrosion in your photo says that salt water has been leaking down onto the top of the tank. That water had to go...
  10. 1801Steve

    Factory tour

    I'll jump in again.... I'm a marine surveyor and have been to a lot of boat plants. A factory visit will teach you things about your boat you didn't even know that you didn't know. :>) If you are anywhere close to a boatbuilder (not just Parker) try to arrange a tour. It is time well spent. Fun...
  11. 1801Steve

    LED upgrade

    No, but the layout is exactly the same. Mine is a 2025. 6 years old this month.
  12. 1801Steve

    LED upgrade

    Dang... all those shots look familiar. Wonder why? :>)
  13. 1801Steve

    WTB 1801 Center Console

    In my defense.... the title says "1801 Center Console." For some reason I thought that meant he was looking for a center console. And in response to my post, he edited his post to include his location and willingness to travel. Good luck selling your boat. It should go quickly. Mine is now 6...
  14. 1801Steve

    WTB 1801 Center Console

    LOL... I thought you just wanted to buy the console. It would help if you added your location. Plus how far you are wiling to travel. Welcome to Classic Parker!
  15. 1801Steve

    Factory tour

    Not sure they are even doing factory tours with COVID. But if you can go, you absolutely should. I visited my 1801 two times while she was begin built. That's a long drive, but Beaufort is a neat little place to visit. Plan a couple of extra days and you won't be disappointed, If you decide to...
  16. 1801Steve

    2008 1801 Cushions

    That's funny! I don't use mine either. They are stored in a big bag, only come out a couple of times a year.
  17. 1801Steve

    Strength of 2520 2019 pilot house door how strong?

    Not familiar with that model, so what material is the door? Thickness? A fire extinguisher is ok for sure. Would a table hang from the door with additional support or be supported by a leg? Think of the same door in your home... what would it support? Hollow core door is one thing, solid core...
  18. 1801Steve

    Karen Ann Charters

    Not a great background in the middle picture.
  19. 1801Steve


    Nice boat! Your engine owner's manual will tell you about the 10 hour service.