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  1. 1801Steve

    Survey a New Boat?

    I'm a surveyor and I say yes. :>) Unless you are very knowledgeable, and are willing to spend at least 4-6 hours going over the boat yourself. Yes, the dealer may well fix any problems that you find later. But it's nice to know upfront what you are dealing with. And a good surveyor may well find...
  2. 1801Steve

    Price check for 2009 1801

    Interesting.... "no issues" - except for the elex that don't work. :>)
  3. 1801Steve

    Saying goodbye after 23 years

    Getting another boat? Or getting out?
  4. 1801Steve

    WTB 2120

    Someone just posted a 2120 in Virginia, who is looking for an 1801. Shame you are so far apart....
  5. 1801Steve

    new purchase

    Comments? How about Go Navy Beat Army????? :>) Welcome to the site. Can't help with your specific request but I'm sure someone will.
  6. 1801Steve

    1997 Parker 1800

    Not sure what site you looked at, but I suspect that the "list prices" you show are what the boat and outboard cost new in 1997. I looked at NADA, and the "retail" values are close to what you show. But look at what has sold, and what is for sale. NADA is way off. I don't have a dog in this...
  7. 1801Steve

    1997 Parker 1800

    1998 w 2004 Yamaha 115, sold Hilton Head SC May 2019 for $14,500. Garmin plotter/fishfinder, otherwise looks pretty basic. Included trailer. 1996 w original Yamaha 115, for sale in Sayville NY, asking $12,900. No trailer. 1997 w original Yamaha 115, for sale in Point Pleasant NJ, asking...
  8. 1801Steve

    Pilot House on an 1801 ??

    Tee top with a canvas enclosure? Much simpler, much less expensive, no problem when you sell the boat.
  9. 1801Steve

    Inshore Chaser now owns a new 1801!

    Great job on the mods. Thanks for sharing photos.
  10. 1801Steve

    Planning to get my first 1801 New

    When I bought my 2015 the t-top was an option. He can certainly add one at the dealership if it's not a factory option.
  11. 1801Steve

    Planning to get my first 1801 New

    Welcome aboard. You will love your 1801. Yes, MSRP is very negotiable. You should be able to get 10% off. What does that number include? Trailer? What engine? Any elex? Which front deck? All those things change the price. Also be sure you are looking at a price out the door. Just like a...
  12. 1801Steve

    Considerations or risks adding additional rod or cup holder?

    Ram makes a nice mount that clamps to a 1" diameter tube. Think hand rail, center console rail, etc.
  13. 1801Steve

    2007 1801 with 2013 F150-Reduced again 18,250 obo

    Tried to PM. Not interested, as I own an 1801. The link you posted doesn't work. CL says it has been flagged for removal.
  14. 1801Steve


    Is the boat rated for 200HP? I have a 2015 and seem to remember that 150 is the max HP.
  15. 1801Steve

    Anchor rode length

    Is your current rode enough? if so then the answer is easy. Or put all you can fit in the anchor locker.
  16. 1801Steve

    Inshore Chaser now owns a new 1801!

    Congratulations! You are going to love that little boat.
  17. 1801Steve

    NC Wildlife Patrol Parkers

    If you have an outboard larger than the rated HP you should tell your underwriter... just in case.
  18. 1801Steve

    18' Parker w/ 115 Yamaha For sale - 2005

    I know you can't post shots, but asking price? Equipment? And BTW resizing photos is pretty simple. p.s. I'm not interested because I already have a great little 1801. Love it. Just trying to help you sell your boat.