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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. E

    New member with an ex-EPA 1700

    Nice boat! Welcome to the 17’ owners club. There are not many of us out there. I’m running a 1994. They fly with a 115.
  2. E

    2320 Parker leans to starboard side

    If the deck is sealed, then that’s a big plus. I would look for any hose that may have a crack and are letting water in. Live well? Fresh water wash down? Also, do you smell or see any gas in the bilge? Also, I find that moving batteries or any weight possible Forward helps.
  3. E

    2320 Parker leans to starboard side

    I would look carefully in every compartment for water. I’ve seen water accumulate just from washing. Is the boat kept in the watwr or a trailer? Is the list when running or static?
  4. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Which hull is this? Owner says it’s an SE. looks to be dv to me. From a blurry pic I think I see 2300 on the side of the console. I’ve never seen an SE that has a full transom and bracket. I’ve asked for a photo of the CG plate.
  5. E

    Im back

    This is an excellent opportunity to see how the build quality is of the new hulls compared to the 09’. Keep us posted, it will really help.
  6. E

    Boat For Sale 18 CC

    Good deal on that boat
  7. E

    Boat Wanted WTB 25 SE ANY CONDITION

    I recall seeing two in the keys recently. One was redone and another needed a fuel tank. Boattrader / Craigslist / offer up.
  8. E

    2019 1801C and my transom is separating from the hull.

    The engine looks raised. You are just seeing the mount.
  9. E

    18 SE vs 1801 cc

    I was on some new Parker’s at the west palm beach boat show. They have changed. From my first impression and a detailed walk through, they didn’t seem to have the robust construction of the past. Are they as durable as past model? Only time will tell. My gut and many years of working in boats...
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    Boat For Sale 2021 2120 Yamaha 200

    Where is the boat located?
  11. E

    2019 1801C and my transom is separating from the hull.

    You can fix this yourself. I suggest it highly as you will understand the boat construction. Grind out that crack and fill it completely with west systems epoxy. Then clamp it down over the entire transom. This is about bonding. More clamps the better. It would be best to remove the engine to...
  12. E

    Boat For Sale 2006 2530 twin 150 Yamahas for sale 85k

    2530 are solid rides. SoCal standard for long tuna runs. The 150’s make it happen.
  13. E

    Boat For Sale 2018 Parker 2300 DV CC for sale

    Thanks, I will keep you posted if I can get to Raliegh. Glws. Very nice boat and fair price.
  14. E

    Boat For Sale 2018 Parker 2300 DV CC for sale

    Hello, very nice boat. What part of NC is this located? I am in Raleigh often and depending on location may want to see it. Looks to be in great shape.
  15. E

    Boat For Sale 2006 2530 sale

    How do I buy it, if I don’t know what part of the world the boat is located in?
  16. E

    Sold Please delete

    Please delete
  17. E

    Boat For Sale 2003 Parker 21’ deep vee, Yamaha F250 and trailer

    Any idea on the engine hours? Nice clean boat. You did a nice job cleaning it.
  18. E

    Boat For Sale 06 Parker 2120, 51k

    Where is the boat located?
  19. E

    300 HP Suzuki too much engine for a 2008 2300 DV CC?

    Thanks. I do agree with the weight of the hull a 300 is a good match. Now I am just worried about the fuel tanks. It’s always something!