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  1. E

    Live well not filling with water

    Be careful with doing that as I have seen before where we prime the pump by taking it off an inch and then put it back on and get bait. Then we start the run out of the harbor and the water pressure will push the pump off and before you know it, the bilge is full and you are sinking. Bottom...
  2. E

    New motor

    I own a Suzuki and have owned prior Suzuki. Great engines. Now I have four Yamahas. All four strokes. Two f115’s and two f150’s. If you can get a Suzuki, go there but if not go with Yamaha. Also, in my yard the Mercury engines are holding up after many seasons. They haven’t flaked yet or have...
  3. E

    Does anyone know what this might be??

    After putting my boat in the water without the plug about 20 times as a teenager, and this was in 13 and 15 whalers, we learned that we didn’t need one except we had to go fast in no wake zones to keep the water flowing outward! All kidding aside, now I put the plug in the boat the DAY before...
  4. E

    Parker 2310 Roof Remodel / Repair

    Nice work. Lots of patience on this one. I’ll see you out Catalina.
  5. E

    2022 21'se finally home

    Woody wax when applied to a wet surface, then let dry and wiped down leaves a wax that isn’t slippery. It saves my 24 year old non skid from staining.
  6. E

    1998' 2520 tank replacement

    Nice clean work. Chain saw gets it done. It sure is easier when you don’t have to move a center console off the tank coffin area and then reinstall everything!
  7. E

    2022 21'se finally home

    Try woody wax on the non skid so black shoe marks don’t stick. They will just rinse off.
  8. E

    Black acrylic dash too shiny?

    Look at older acrylics on Parker’s, Grady whites and whalers. They are smoked brown in color or even greenish. Also to reduce glare on transparent materials you can use films. Look at 3m.
  9. E

    Transom bolt resealing

    Post a photo. It sounds like you did a good job.
  10. E

    Hello from CT

    I guess you went from a 228 GW to a 21 Parker! Both are great boats and GW should never have dropped the 228 from their line. Enjoy the 21. I run a 268 and a 17 Parker. Both really work out well for their uses.
  11. E

    Help identifying table pedestal

    Nice research. This is a helpful thread.
  12. E

    Half tower on 18 Parker?

    Like a tower where you stand on the top of console and pop your head / torso out of the T top? Sure. You could also add a seakeeper! And a large battery bank/ generator. ???
  13. E

    Shakespeare Antenna Mast issue

    It doesn’t looks mechanically fastened, so use adhesive and press fit it.
  14. E

    2000 21se fuel tank replacement

    For the reversed fitting, I would give the fill hose a wide radius bend so the fuel doesn’t back up when filling. It would be better to turn the fitting 180 degrees but I believe it will work as is, just not as well. The vent will work without an issue, make sure the hose doesn’t kink or pinch.
  15. E

    Fiberglass work

    Yep, grind that area out and lay out a new strip. Wet the area and glass tape before you place it and then roll it out. It takes time. It doesn’t look bad since you didn’t have a roller!
  16. E

    Hello / Parker 2501 CC

    25 cc is popular in San Diego. They are a big 25 that needs power. Wide boats. I like them better than the 28 as you can trailer a 25’ it’s not easy but can be done ( 9’-6” beam typically needs a permit). Also the front can have a little Bimini tent/ dodger that can act like a tent for getting...
  17. E

    Looking for stringer layout 1990 25 foot Parker

    You may want to do a search. I recall a photo of a 23? On here a few weeks back.