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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. M

    Finished pilothouse seat

    @Bodick93 where did you get those rails on your dash in front of your throttle? They seem to come in handy
  2. M

    Largest swells your Parker can take

    Hey All, I was curious what’s the worst conditions you’ve taken your boats out and how sketchy it was or wasn’t. Boat size (ft) Swell (ft) Period (s) Wind (mph/knots) and direction relative to swells. Thanks!
  3. M

    Suspension seat

    I have a degenerative disc and even jumping in a trampoline will cause numbing across my thoracic spine. My Parker came with a Seaspension pedestal and it works great! No issues yet!
  4. M

    Simrad 20+ Halo Mounting Options

    Is mounting on the raised up section (1) with bolts going through to the inner cabin the way to go? I know that section is thin with no solid core. Is it stable? I think mine will hit the mast light and will get a stainless steel, 5” high, forward or aft tilt, with 5 degree forward wedge. I’ve...
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    Simrad 20+ Halo Mounting Options

    @pelagic2530 This is very helpful. Thank you. Im looking at Scanstrut now.
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    Simrad 20+ Halo Mounting Options

    I just purchased my Simrad Halo 20+ Radar for my 2320. There are three mounting options I was considering. 1. Flush mount directly to the roof with a 5 degree wedge 2. Mount using 5” high flat pedestal 3. Mount using 5” high pedestal with 5 degree tilt forward. I see many Parker’s with one...
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    Took delivery of my 2022 2120SC... the good, the bad & the ugly

    Just another thing to check. My anchor a locker barley locks. I can pull it open with little force when it’s in the locked position.
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    Yamaha Command Line NEMA/MFD split

    I was considering not using it. Seems like too much trouble.
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    Yamaha Command Line NEMA/MFD split

    I looked at my set up again. I cant plug the NEMA from the command link into the NEMA2000 backbone because female. The CL7 is male. I’ve seen male-male couplers so I can make the connection, then use the dropper cable to the command link. Have you seen this before?
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    Took delivery of my 2022 2120SC... the good, the bad & the ugly

    Just an FYI if your cabin speakers stop working like mine did. The cable gauge from the stereo is 5x thicker than the cable coming out of the actual from speakers. Parker used bigger crimp for the larger cable, but it’s too big to crimp the smaller speaker wire. The connection looks sound, but...
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    Yamaha Command Line NEMA/MFD split

    Question about splitting the NEMA2000 command link. The current configuration has a connector coming out of the multi hub and an adapter to nema 2000 which plugs in to the back of the CL7 (I’m pretty sure the CL7 is what I have, but I don’t have the boat near me) If I unplug the NEMA 2000 from...
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    Stern Savers vs Pads

    I’m looking into these now. Thanks for the photos!
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    Stern Savers vs Pads

    Do you know why they went out of business?
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    Stern Savers vs Pads

    Hey All, I’m getting really close to mount my Simrad 3 in 1 Transducer. I’ve seen various types of sternsaver pads. After viewing comments here I’m very reluctant to drill the mount the transducer directly to the transom. There are three main mounting products listed below. I’ve heard good and...
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    Antenna Mounting bracket support

    Thanks for the picture. Are you getting good readings with your transducer locations? How far do they hang below the bottom of the hull?
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    How thick is the transom?

    Is the Sternmate the same as the sternsaver?
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    How thick is the transom?

    @warthog5 I’ve looked into the sternsaver but read both good and bad reviews on adhesion. Have you used them?
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    How thick is the transom?

    I’m only using the screws the transducer mount came with. I’m just doing a sanity check on the length before drilling and screwing the bracket on.
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    How thick is the transom?

    @Cheapie408 I’m adding a transducer mount and need to know the transom thickness on a 2022 2320. Did you find out?
  20. M

    Antenna Mounting bracket support

    Thank you so much! I did try a plate with no success. I’m going to move it forward like you mentioned. I’ve seen many other Parker’s with the antenna mounted in the hallow section and I just don’t know how they are getting it to work. Maybe it’s thinner in newer models or they are using a...