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  1. M

    Antenna Mounting bracket support

    That’s what I was thinking too. I’ll buy the plate today. I’ll need to open up the speaker hole for more access so I can fit the plate.
  2. M

    Antenna Mounting bracket support

    Hi all, I’m mounting a 8’ Shakespeare phase 3 on my 2320. I notice after I added the antenna that the roof has a little flex when the antenna moves back and forth. I used pretty large washers on the back side for more surface area. Should I add plate on the backside or get a shorter 4’ antenna...
  3. M

    Simrad EVO3S won’t Zoom in/out on Radar

    I don’t think so. I’ll check.
  4. M

    Simrad EVO3S won’t Zoom in/out on Radar

    Hello all, I have a Simrad EVO3s and I’m unable to zoom in or out when I’m on the radar screen. The closest distance ring is 1/2 NM. It doesn’t zoom in or out work using the “+ or -“ on the display window or using the wheel. I also tried to see if it would work on demo mode with no success.I...
  5. M

    Simrad 3 in 1 transducer mounting location

    I forgot to mention that this is a new boat and no holes are drilled thus far.
  6. M

    Simrad 3 in 1 transducer mounting location

    I have the Simrad/Lowrance Active Imagining 3 in 1 transducer. The instructions you produced and way more detailed that what I received with my unit. Thanks for sending. There isn’t any thru hull transducer on the boat.
  7. M

    Simrad 3 in 1 transducer mounting location

    Thanks for sharing! I was also thinking of this location but wasn’t sure. I read that prop cavitation can be an issue.
  8. M

    Simrad 3 in 1 transducer mounting location

    Hello all, I’m about to install a Simrad 3 in 1 transducer in my 2320 with an outboard bracket and with trim tabs.I see many different mounting locations online. Which location do you all recommend? Ideally, I’d like to use it at the highest speed possible with this type of transducer with...
  9. M

    NSS 9 EVO3S Flush Mount clearance.

    Which model chart plotter do you have? I played with both at WestMarine but was on the fence between models. Other than routing, what other pain points do you experience with Simrad Vs Garmin?
  10. M

    NSS 9 EVO3S Flush Mount clearance.

    Awesome! Thanks for the information
  11. M

    NSS 9 EVO3S Flush Mount clearance.

    Thanks for the photos! Here is the flush mount bezel. I’m not sure if the mounting is different for the 9 vs 12”
  12. M

    NSS 9 EVO3S Flush Mount clearance.

    Thanks! Do you know how much bigger is the flush mount bezel is?
  13. M

    NSS 9 EVO3S Flush Mount clearance.

    I’m looking to purchase and flush mount a 9” NSS EVO3S in my 22’ 2320 right below the Yamaha Command Link. Does anyone have this set up? If so, how much room is there on each side of the unit. Simrad doesn’t have the outer dimensions of the flush mount kit online. Thanks!
  14. M

    Need help finding a generic cover for 2320

    It’s not strapped down in this photo. It’s much tighter.
  15. M

    Need help finding a generic cover for 2320

    I got this cover from Amazon and I’m very happy with it. It covers over the pulpit and I larger enough to wrap tightly around the sides of the outboard bracket. One thing you will need to do is to tie some rope from the top rails to the back tie down hooks so doesn’t sag and collect water over...
  16. M

    New Yamaha 300 condensation from exhaust.

    Thank you so much for the input. It’s been on the back of my mind for a while and I was just never sure if it’s normal or not.
  17. M

    New Yamaha 300 condensation from exhaust.

    Just another note: I also noticed it from day one during the test drive and I flush the motor with salt away after each trip.
  18. M

    New Yamaha 300 condensation from exhaust.

    Hey all! I have a new Yamaha 300 on my 2320 with 8.5 hours on it. I noticed there is slight condensation coming out of the exhaust at idle. It’s not smoke and doesn’t smell like burnt oil. I shot a video and showed it to my dealer and a certified Yamaha dealer and they said it’s nothing to...
  19. M

    Simrad NSS9 evo 3 installation on 2320: What transducer?

    I’m also looking to get the NSS9 EVO3S. Did you end up going with the thru-hull or transom mount?