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  1. T

    96 Parker 18 with 3 wire Fuel sending unit

    Same wiring. Just make sure you buy a sender in the 240-33 ohm range (north american).
  2. T

    Manufacturer Defect

    It's a rub rail not a gasket.
  3. T

    Bow sitting low ?

    Water retention?
  4. T

    96 Parker 18 with 3 wire Fuel sending unit

    If you haven't already purchased the new sending unit consider going with a reed style unit. Remove the old sender and measure the depth for the new unit. Also, although the screw/bolt pattern looks like you could rotate it and the holes would still line up but it wont. It only goes on ONE way...
  5. T

    Picking up new 1801 this week.

    Welcome. Fingers crossed your build is a quality one.
  6. T

    Deck thickness under fuel tank

    remove an access cover and trim to verify how thick it is
  7. T

    2004 1801 Scupper flaps

    I forget the exact replacement size but for me with 4 scuppers as you probably have It made more sense to switch to ball scuppers. I also changed the brass tubes for good measure.
  8. T

    Boat For Sale 2014 Parker 2100 DV

    Looks to be a former NC wildlife boat.
  9. T

    Boat For Sale Parker 1801, 2016 Parker for sale

    That's what happens when it gets warmer.
  10. T

    Cutting board mount

    I seen one where the guy uses the ladder bracket on the transom.
  11. T

    Looks like my Rub Rail is separating.

    Tap it with a soft blow hammer and see if it moves in. Look inside to see if any hardware is missing or loose. Sometimes It's just the way they are. When it's assembled it's not an exact science when they trim off the excess.
  12. T

    Help Pricing a 17' CC

    Fuel tank condition/history is a big part.
  13. T

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    The value of mine just went up!
  14. T

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    Just a lil bit bigger than the CC
  15. T

    1801 Console Cover

    Mine fits well. It's a Carver. Do you have a t top?
  16. T

    New to me 1801

    I did mine myself. Took plenty of time to lay it out. Figure 3 hours. The thought of having someone else drill holes in my boat just doesnt sit well with me.
  17. T

    NC New Member 04' 25se forward Seating

    Are you staying with Evinrude or open to other manufacturers? What's your budget and how fast do you want to go?
  18. T

    Recommendation to repower 04' 25se with a single.

    Are you staying with Evinrude or open to other manufacturers? What's your budget and how fast do you want to go?