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    Boat For Sale 18 ft Parker 1800 center console w/ Yamaha 115 2 stroke Long Island 13k

    If I didn't already have one I'd be all over this, Spring is coming so the phone will be ringing soon
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    Kitchen Galley removal on 2530

    Definitely an improvement
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    Bow Floor Storage 21SE - Anyone done it?

    I checked my collection again but nothing for the 21se. Try calling parker. If you get the right person they should be able to help you.
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    Boat For Sale Looking for boat value. 1999 18 foot Parker

    Fuel tank history/condition will play a big part. Without any other details ....Off the top of my head I would say 10k-15k
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    New Member

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    Boat Wanted Parker

    Hey beautiful, where have you been all my life?
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    New member

    :pWAZZZZZZZuuuuuupppppp! welcome.
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    New Member

    Welcome, Great boat!
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    Armstrong Deck Plates

    you can do it
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    Parker 1800 - Yeti Seat Upgrade and Running Board

    I have 3 kids and been around many small children on a boat. My point was its not ideal to have anyone behind you between the console and the seat while running. I had the same setup and I know how little space there is. If you fall back or lose balance from acceleration/wake/wave with a small...
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    Boat Wanted Looking To Buy 2320 DV

    that may be a result of the big fisherman sleeping in the cabin.
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    Parker 1800 - Yeti Seat Upgrade and Running Board

    Having people sitting behind you while underway is very crowded, even if they face aft there is little room to operate safely.
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    Parker 1800 - Yeti Seat Upgrade and Running Board

    Switching from a leaning post to a switchback cooler seat would be a first for me. The Wise switchback seats are too low when underway for me. The leaning post is just more practical for me and it adds 4 more rod holders.
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    Steering Wheel Knob Recommendations

    Mine is at 10 o'clock
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    Parker 1800 - Yeti Seat Upgrade and Running Board

    Interesting approach. The OEM seat wasn't ideal for sitting while running. I was tempted to raise the switchback cooler seat but found a used leaning post local. SO much better for my situation.
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    300 Hour Maintenance

    This ^ 100%