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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. Jason Currier

    What length trolling motor are you running on 23SEs?

    Thinking of adding a TM to our 2001 23SE in the spring and wondered what you are using and how pleased you are with the addition. I know I want some type of "spot lock" for fishing in the strong currents (Kennebec and Sheepscot Rivers)
  2. Jason Currier

    Single Step Swim Platform/Ladder on early 2000's Parker

    Anyone know where they were sourced? Looking like a replacement for the plastic as mine is pretty sun damaged/brittle. Considered going teak, but that would be the only teak on the boat and would require maintenance over time.
  3. Jason Currier

    200 Suzuki 4-Stroke on 23SE?

    Is anyone running a 200HP Suzuki on their 23SE and if so how do you like it? thinking of a repower for our 2001. Currently running a 175HPDI Yamaha and would like to burn less fuel and not deal with two-stroke oil at $50/gallon.
  4. Jason Currier

    New Member from Maine

    Hello - I have re-joined CP as an owner! I used to follow the site as both my father and father-in-law had Parkers, but we recently purchased a new-to-us 2001 23SE with a Yamaha 175 HPDI on the back. So far we really like it. Hoping to make a few minor adjustments this winter to make it more...