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  1. B

    Need help finding a new window support and wiper arm for my '97 2310

    Hey, I've tried searching without any luck so I'm hoping someone can help me source a new wiper arm and blade as well as the support for the windshield, you can see it's broken in the pics. The wiper blade appears to be 14" and the arm itself appears to be around 18-19" long, I'm not sure how...
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    Looks like my Rub Rail is separating.

    My Parker is a '97 2310 and while working on it, as usual, I noticed that on the port side bow the rub rail looks like it's separating underneath. Anyone know what is going on and how to fix it? You can see that it's tight towards aft but something is going on up front! Any help is greatly...
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    F250 mounting height question on my '97 2310

    I've had my 2310 for 24 years and a while back I swapped out my OX66 225 HP for an F250 and while helping me out with installing some electronic upgrades my buddy noticed that the anti-ventilation plate was above the keel and I am wondering if the motor is installed at the correct height. We...
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    2310 Connect 6Y8 Gauge to Fuel Level Sender

    Hi, after 23 years with my 97 2310 we are upgrading and fixing many items that need attention and I wanted to see how the stock fuel level sender would connect to this 6Y8 pigtail that is from the back of the gauge. I may even have to install a new sender and if anyone knows if a Moeller or...
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    Is a free GPSMAP 7212 worth it and what else would I need?

    Hi, I have owned my 97 2310 for 23 years and right now a buddy and I are gutting the wiring and putting new panels in and upgrading the electronics. I have an opportunity to get a free Garmin GPSMAP 7212 but not sure what I would need to go along with it, like a transducer and so forth. I was...
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    Is this a Parker Part or 'off the shelf"

    Hey, the black 'post' that holds my windscreen secure on my '97 2310 has finally broken, it is the vertical black pole in the picture, and I am not sure if it is like a Perko Part I can get anywhere or has to be ordered through Parker. Also, would appreciate it if you can provide me with the...
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    West Marine Parker/Pursuit Newport Beach Tournament 9/17

    Hey, received an email from West marine advertising an all species fishing tournament they are sponsoring for Parker/Pursuit boat owners Sept. 17-19. Has anyone else heard anything about this at all? I plan on attending to meet other owners, even though there are absolutely no fish whatsoever...
  8. B

    LH prop. Either a 17 or 18.

    I recently put a Yam F250 on my 2310 and am looking for a 15 3/8x18 Mirage or a 17 Yam, but has to be an LH. thanks
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    Yamaha NMEA 2000 Cable

    Hi, just got am F250 and want to connect it to my Raymarine via NMEA 2000 to display all of the engine information that it will allow but I am a little confused and cannot get the correct answer. I called RayMarine and they told me the part number for their cable, a stripped end spur cable with...
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    OK to Use Left Handed Engine in Single Setup

    I am getting a deal on a new Yamaha F250 but it is a left handed engine and I have an OX 66 Right Handed and wanted to know if I should stick with a right handed engine. I realize backing down/docking will be different but other than that is there anything that I am missing or should think...
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    Yamaha F250 Upgrade Question

    OK, I have a Yamaha 225 OX 66 2 stroke that runs like a top, nothing wrong with it. A local shop has a 'brand new' F250A, the one that still shifts with cables, that has about 20 hours on it and can be bought for 14k, with a 5 year warranty. The F250B, the "fly" by wire, is the new model...
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    Best Place to Purchase Outboard in eother AZ or NV

    I have a perfectly running OX66 225 2 stroke that I am looking to trade in/up to a 250 4 stroke. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my current engine, I just want to increase my range and decrease the engine noise, also I hate buying oil. Anyway, just seeing if anyone knows where to get a...
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    Upgrade for my 2310 Notch Transom

    Well I really hated the amount of real estate that the engine well occupied so I decided to get rid of it. The only reason for it was to keep the water out and allow the engine to raise up, so I came up with a 'removeable wall' that did the same job but allowed for a lot more space, the...
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    2310 Additional Batteries

    Hi, I have 2 Optima Blue Tops in the factory battery hold but am loking at adding a few more for some extended 2-3 night trips. When I am in the cabin facing stern there are 2 "access" panels on both port and starboard, behind there it looks like a lot of wasted space and a possible place to...