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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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    Lucky Parker Owner

    Lucky Parker owner; fell off boat and was found by other fishermen.
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    1,000 Hour Yamaha 300 Service Help

    Hi All, I need your help and expertise with information about my first 1,000 hour Service. I thank you in advance, and very-much appreciate all the help you've given me over the years. We have a 2014 Yamaha 300. It has 1106 hours (yes I know I'm 106 hours over-due; suffice to say I've had a bad...
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    Someone's Parker 2110, "It's old, but it's paid for!"

    Parker vs million-dollar boat; "It's old, but it's paid for!" I'd take the VanDutch 55, sell it, and buy a fleet of Parkers! ☺
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    Video; Two Parkers in an inlet

    Here's a nice, (though very short) video of a Parker busting through an inlet; and another Parker passing on its way back in... I posted this as I enjoy seeing Parkers running in choppy waters.... I was wondering if either boat was owned by someone here on CP?
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    A Parker makes the 'Boat Bloopers' video channel

    This is the first time I've seen a Parker boat make it to a Youtube Boat-Bloopers video.... If this is your Parker, (a CP member?) give us the details so we can learn! Missed the ATON? Caught at tide change? Intentional grounding for maintenance? Decided it was a good place for a picnic?☺The...
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    Amazing, 2022 2830 XLD. $310,000.00

    I thought you all might like to see this. Does anyone know who owns this boat? I hope it's a CP member; give us some info. I have to wonder why someone would pay for all this, then sell it after only 8 months? A buddy of mine sent me this link. I've never seen a Parker like this one .... It's a...
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    Boat For Sale Parker 2530 For Sale I thought I'd pass this on to ClassicParker folks, as it's rare to see a 2530 up for sale. A buddy of mine sent this link to me (I am not on Facebook)... It's a 1997, for $72,500. It looks like it's in nice condition...
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    Parker Pilothouse in Major Magazine

    This is a heads-up in case there is a Classic Parker member who owns a Parker Pilothouse boat named 'Fish Tales'. Check out the June 2022 (most recent issue) of Our State Magazine. On page 146 there's a full-page picture with your Parker 2520? 2320? boat docked at the Southport, NC Provision...
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    New 2022 Parker Boats; Improved? Or Not?

    Here's a couple videos of 2022 Parkers, under the new ownership. Improved? or not? Seems like one issue is a lack of rod holders... These are the CC's... I'm also curious to see what's happening with the pilothouse versions...
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    Parker Ext. Cab. Hits dock

    Found on Youtube.... Watch between 2:58 and 3:26.... Parker extended-cabin hits dock. If not for the dock cleat, looks like there would have been little damage to the hull.
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    Parker Boat used by NUMA; Clive Cussler's organization.

    Hey All, I posted this, just because I thought it was interesting. Clive Cussler (RIP) was an author and adventurer who spent much of his life (and money) hunting for famous ship wrecks. It was nice to see they show their Parker on the Home Page of the NUMA agency site, and especially nice...
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    Man Overboard. 23' Parker. 37 miles off North Carolina coast

    Here's a report on a man, fishing his 23' Parker, who fell overboard 37 miles off shore. Some good lessons learned here. 1. If not for the GPS 'bread-crumb' feature, he likely would be gone. Two 'good Samaritans' were almost run down by the empty boat. They got onboard and followed 'the track'...
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    Fuel Filter Question

    Hi All, I could use some help/opinions from our Parker experts... The last two days I've been working on my 100 hour (actually 75 hour) maintenance. Like most of us, I have both the blue Yamaha fuel-filter/water separator (I call it the 'primary', as it gets the fuel/gas first from the tank; an...
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    Operating the Electric Toilet/Head

    Somewhere in the middle of a recent thread was a discussion on how to operate the electric head that comes on some Parker boats; I could not re-find that discussion nor on what thread, so here's a new one, on just this subject. The previous discussion centered around the fact that everybody's...
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    Parker 2520 XLD at 2021 Boat Show

    Here's a new Parker 2520 XLD being showcased at the January 2021 Miami Boat Show. It's shown in the following video from 7:34 to 14:23.... I was surprised to see the new price; MSRP = $182,332.00. Boat show special price = $167,745.00... (You can turn the sound off, unless you are fluent in...
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    Here's some information on BOAT/US-GEICO insurance. I'm hoping this might help ClassicParker members compare what you're paying for boat insurance. Feedback on your insurance $$ and insurance company is welcomed. I'll start by saying this is not a dig against Boat/US; I've been a member for...
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    How Common Is A 200 Gallon Fuel Tank Capacity

    I've seen threads talking about fuel tank capacities on various Parkers. I'm curious how common, or uncommon is it to have a 200 gallon fuel tank on a 2520 XLD? When/what years did Parker install 200 gallon tanks? Our 2520 is a 2013/2014 (Hull laid 2013; sold and commissioned in October 2014)...
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    300 Yamaha, 'Milky' Oil in Lower Unit Lube/Oil

    Our 2014, Yamaha 300 UCA has at times gotten some water ('milky' oil) in the lower unit lube/oiI. I've seen it a couple times over the years, when I've changed the L/U oil. So I started changing it at 50 hours instead of 100 hours. (there is about 950 hours on the motor now). When I started...
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    With Static Flush, Do you get water out of your 'tell-tale' ?

    I'm referring to a 2014 300 HP Yamaha UCA, And doing the 'static-flush'... I used to get water out of the 'tell-tale' / pee hole when I flushed the engine (I flush after every use, and flush for 20-30 minutes). Water did not automatically come out, just when I would tilt the engine up or down...
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    Rocker Switch gone bad

    I was hoping someone can help me with some information on Rocker Switches, the ones inside the pilothouse, to the left of the steering wheel. (controls wipers, pump, bait-well, cockpit-lights, etc) that are on a 2013 Parker 2520 XLD. Are the switches supposed to get 'hot', hot to the touch while...