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  1. Antidote

    Boat For Sale 2006 2520XL

    Not mine and no association. I saw it while working on another boat. I thought I would post it for anyone interested.
  2. Antidote

    FLIR on my 2520XLD

    In the interest of safety I decided to add FLIR to my 2520. We go off shore (80+ Miles) and leave at 2:00 in the morning. Having the radar is a must; but, adding the FLIR has taken the pucker factor down a couple of notches.
  3. Antidote

    2018 Yamaha F200XCA Exhaust Corrosion

    Just under 600 hours and the standard rotation engine of my pair just burned through. Glad I bought the Yamaha Extended Warranty.
  4. Antidote

    Happy New Year!!!

    I wish everyone the best in the New Year.
  5. Antidote

    Parts For Sale Marine Maintenance Handyman

    I am starting a business in the Lowcountry of SC and Coastal Empire of GA. I'm offering reasonably price Boat Maintenance, Repair and Installations. Please visit my website and help me get started. Thank you all for your support
  6. Antidote

    Night Time Windshield Glare

    Anyone else battle with the navionics glare off the windshield at night? I am able to turn the MFD down enough that it's not too bad; but, my 6YC just doesn't go dark enough. I wind up putter the cover over it to block it; but, I really don't like not seeing what the engines are doing. I'm...
  7. Antidote

    USCG Documented Boats

    Has any one looked into USCG Documenting a 2520? The requirement to be able to Document a vessel is 5 tons net. My boat on the trailer, full fuel and water tanks comes in just over 10,000 lbs. That includes trailer weight; but, doesn't include the 12 passengers the placard allows for, fishing...
  8. Antidote

    What Anchor Are You Using?

    I have a 2019 2520XLD with Twin Yamaha 200s. The 14# Delta (china knock off) that came with the boat new doesn't hold even with 40' of chain attached. It roles on it's side and doesn't bite. I bought a Lewmar claw china knock off; but, it doesn't auto deploy off the Lewmar windless. Someone...
  9. Antidote

    King Mackerel Stole My Anchor

    I was out off Hilton Head today at the Betsy Ross. I had a King on and had been fighting it for about 10 minutes. It took another run this time towards the bow. It swam around my anchor as I was fighting it, I felt it break off. When I brought the line in the 90# wire leader had snapped and...
  10. Antidote

    Spray Rails

    Has anyone fitted spray rails on a 25025XLD? It seems when running in choppy seas I get a lot of spray coming in the side windows if the wind is a beam. Would spray rails help?
  11. Antidote

    Gulf Stream trip from HHI

    Yesterday wasn't my first trip to the Gulf Stream. It was; however, it was the first trip with my wife. And ONLY my wife. Let me start by saying we are still talking. LOL. It was actually an awesome 14 hour trip. My wife isn't confident with handling the boat just yet so I knew I was in...
  12. Antidote

    Garmin Reactor 40 with Shadow Drive and a 1.2 Pump install

    I just completed the install of a Garmin autopilot. It was a long day; but, well worth the effort. I placed the pump and the MCU in the Starboard passenger seat cabinet. Making all of the hydraulic connections took a lot of time and effort. Bleeding the system took even longer. After get...
  13. Antidote

    Jacking The Boat Up While On The Trailer

    I need to touch up my bottom paint while I have the boat hauled out for the 400 service. Is it possible and is it a good idea or a bad idea to jack it off the bunks using a bottle jack and the frame of the trailer? I'm thinking I could jack each corner of the transom one at a time and lift the...
  14. Antidote

    Helm Pad for 2520

    I have asked Brian Kersey (Log into Facebook) to make a helm pad for my 2019 2510XLD. He had already made bolster pads and ruler for me (pictured below). The last picture below is a rendering of what is being made. He came out to my boat and used peace of equipment that measures points into a...
  15. Antidote

    Offshore Lures

    I have a collection of 38 new and used offshore lures for sale. Asking $250 or best offer. The ruler in the center is 16" for reference.
  16. Antidote

    3 Penn Squall 50VSW 2 Speed on 80 # Roller Rods

    I am offering 3 Penn Squall SQL50VSW 2 speed reels mounted on 80 lbs. roller rods. They are spooled with 1200 yards of 80 lbs Sufix braid with a 300 yard 80 lbs Sufix mono top shot. They have been fished three times and have absolutely no damage or wear. $1400 for the set of three or $475 each...
  17. Antidote

    2520 XLD Twin Engine Alignment

    My engines are set with one inch of toe out. The engines are mounted 38" on center. The leading edges of the lowers measure 38 5/16." The trailing edges of the lowers measure 37 5/16." Can anyone tell me if that is proper for Parkers with twin Yamahas? I plan to try running at cruise with...
  18. Antidote

    Window Tint

    Has anyone else put window tint on their pilot house windows? I put 20% tint on all the windows except the front windows. So far I really like it; but, I’m going to wait on the front windows until I run her at night to check visibility.
  19. Antidote

    Hull Polish

    I pulled her out of the water Monday to do the 300 hour service on both engines. I touched up the bottom paint and then set out to make her shine. I have to say, I thought she looked good before; but, after one pass with my polisher and 3M Finesse It 2 I now know what she can look like. This...
  20. Antidote

    Fishing Rods

    What do y’all do with your rods when you aren’t fishing? Three options I see are leave them in the rocket launchers, take them off the boat, stow them in the berth. I currently have a rod holder set up I hate in the berth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk