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  1. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    Thanks again!
  2. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    Jday: If you don't mind, may I ask for one more thing? What's the distance from the tip of your trailer to the center of last tire? Thx!
  3. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    Thanks! man, that's exactly what I wanted!
  4. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    Thanks MadGar, here is the problem, the dealer can't tell me the height, since he doesn't have one in stock(and he said this is not a regular item they stock), but if I order one without measurement, it's too late. I understand different trailers will be different, hence my original question was...
  5. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    Thank you guys for the suggestion! I went to the dealership again yesterday, they have a 2420SC, its height is just shy of 10', I was told 2120 is slightly lower, but also, that 2320 is sitting on a block, not trailer, so it's a bit lower right now. Is there any 2120 SC owner here? I wonder if...
  6. Lybin

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    I am building a new garage in my backyard, with the restriction I have, I can only fit a 10' door, I wonder if a parker 2120sc could fit under it? I have stopped by a local dealer but they said they couldn't tell since they don't have a boat in stock to do the measurement. Anyone can help? I...