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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. S

    fuel in bilge

    thanks.... I'll let you know what I find .... Probably need to find someone smaller than me to get to the hose connnections under the console! :D
  2. S

    fuel in bilge

    The fuel has appeared twice... once when I completely filled the tank at a marina fuel dock and slightly overflowed the vent several months ago. This time I fueled at the same location but only put in 100 gal so as to not risk running the tank over and out the vent. I had a fuel smell and some...
  3. S

    fuel in bilge

    Anyone know how to access the fuel filler hose and vent hose connections at the tank?
  4. S

    fuel in bilge

    The boat is a 2002
  5. S

    fuel in bilge

    I have a 2300 CC Parker that is leaking fuel into the bilge when the tank is filled... It does not do so when the tank remains only half filled or so. Does anyone have a similar experience or solution? It is not leaking fuel at the fuel gauge sending unit on the top of the tank. Sankpill