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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. B

    cover for a 1801 with a t-top

    Wondering if anyone has found a semi custom cover for a 1801 without bow rails. looking for it to fit under the t top Anyone have any experience with Taylor made covers? Thanks, bjk
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    I have a 115 yamaha and currently have 2 group24 deep cycle batteries. perko 12 both switch. Would I be better having 1 starting battery instead. I believe both batteries are new. At night i'll have running lights, garmin and the bait well going. Thanks for the help. bjk
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    2006 parker in new jersey

    just purchased a 2006 1801 in new jersey 250 hours t top Purchased through Shrader Yacht sales Great people to deal with bjk
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    Battery charger

    Looking to install a battery charger on my 1801. I keep the boat on a trailer and have 2 Batteries with a Perko 1 2 both switch. Any suggestions on where to mount one And brand? Thanks, Bjk
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    battery voltage

    when i turn the key to on without the engine running my yamaha command link reads 12.5 for both batteries. Are they fully charged. What should the reading be. THANKS, BJK
  6. B

    Plano boxes

    I just purchased a Parker 1801. Does anyone know the size of the Plano Boxes used for the tackle storage box? Thanks, Bjk