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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. F

    Parker bulkhead steering station

    Sorry sold Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  2. F

    Parker bulkhead steering station

    Here is a picture of the dual station system I am selling. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  3. F

    Parker bulkhead steering station

    I have both a bulkhead and Dual Station control system. Message me.
  4. F

    Front Bilge holding water?

    Armed with a electrical fish tape, shop vac and plumbers snake I headed down to my slip in the attempt to unclog the front bilge. After getting most of the water out of the compartment I was able to look down the rear cabin drain hole. Even with a flashlight it was very hard to see but it...
  5. F

    Front Bilge holding water?

    Thanks guys... your comments give me hope. The tube must be 100% clogged. I will run a snake through it this weekend and post what I find.
  6. F

    Front Bilge holding water?

    Question? Is my front bilge connected to the back bilge? Boat is a 2520 XLD and is holding water in the front bilge on or off the trailer. I thought both areas were connected by a conduit that ran under the gas tank. When on a trailer I would like to tilt the boat up and drain all the water...