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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. J

    23DVCC vs 2501 CC

    only from a towing perspective. we just bought a 2002 2501 w/ twin200 hpdi. we towed it home (10 hour) and had no trouble. we have an F250, but gas not diesel and pulled great. My husband drove the whole way and when I had to take it to the shop I had no trouble. I feel that as long as you...
  2. J

    questions about a 1998 2501 CC

    here you go, thank you
  3. J

    questions about a 1998 2501 CC

    Hello everyone, We are looking at purchasing a 2501 CC and was wondering if it is a DV or MV hull? we are about 8 hours away, and before we can get to do a sea trial just trying to think about all the things we may need/ want. also if anyone has any good, bad or ugly comments on this boat I...