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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. A

    FOR SALE-2000 2520 SPORT CABIN

    1 Owner 2000 2520 Sport Cabin with twin 200 Yamaha's new powerheads less than 100 hrs complete with Furuno Radar, Depth Finder, GPS and Simrad Auto Pilot plus all Yamaha gauges and meters (fuel flow, RPM, total fuel burn, trip gauge, etc) and complete with cabin cushions which are like new...
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    Need Some Help With My Windshield

    A old trick I learned for my 2000 2520DV where the windshield leaked from the day I purchased it brand new and still own today. Use surgical tubing and place it in the void around both opened windsheids. Spot superglue in to help with the threading along the curves. It stopped all leakage and...