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  1. Bmoore

    2018 Yamaha F200XCA Exhaust Corrosion

    Good to know. Thanks for response!
  2. Bmoore

    2018 Yamaha F200XCA Exhaust Corrosion

    Old thread, but this is perplexing to me. What was going on to cause them to both have the issue ? Do you think it was from using the cowling covers ? I only ask because I just starting using the Yamaha cover on my 300....but man I'll stop using if it could reduce air circulation
  3. Bmoore

    New/used 2501 owner!!!

    Ospho is great as well. Brush on with a toothbrush, let it sit a minute or so and brush protects or helps passivate as well. I was told this by another NC boat builder Jones Brothers. Only in the stainless though...U wouldn't leave it in your gelcoat.
  4. Bmoore

    New/used 2501 owner!!!

    Good to hear. Thanks!!
  5. Bmoore

    Permatrim - Bolt / washer question

    I just installed one on a 300 and wanted to know if it was preferrable to use a washer on both sides or just on the nut side as supplied by Permatrim. I'm not sure it matters, but I've been getting OCD post install, questioning if I should do it any different before the 5200 cures. Has anyone...
  6. Bmoore

    New/used 2501 owner!!!

    have the permatrim bolts held up pretty well to rust for everyone? I just installed mine and I'm wondering now if I should've swapped them out for a 316 stainless rather than the 18-8 they come standard with. I'm assuming they're fine but just curious what folks that I've been writing them for a...
  7. Bmoore

    New/used 2501 owner!!!

    Just ordered a Permatrim. What length bolts do I need ? Was thinking maybe 3/4"?
  8. Bmoore

    Permatrim - looking for feedback

    What size bolts did you use for this 12-24?
  9. Bmoore

    Sending unit length for 1996 Parker 2520 pilot house?

    About to do the same. Did you use any sealant like Permatex in addition to the gasket on sender unit?
  10. Bmoore

    Who makes Parkers Courtesy Lights?

    Thanks for sharing. That’s a bit bigger. I was looking for the ones they were using in 2017 and probably still use. I’ll email the factory.
  11. Bmoore

    Who makes Parkers Courtesy Lights?

    Trying to find the ones they use out on the cockpit of the 2320 and most likely in the other models too. They are about the size of a quarter. Thanks!
  12. Bmoore

    Sad day

    So sorry Brent. Hope you can manage to get her back up and running.
  13. Bmoore

    Hello, my name is Darrell. I just picked up a 2022 Parker 25SE back in May. So far I really like it. I still have a lot to learn about the boat.

    That was super helpful Andy. I never once realized that was the fix on my old 2320. I like many just always walked up there and kicked it over 😂
  14. Bmoore

    Modifying 1999 21SE live well to a bait well…suggestions?

    I just moved to NC from San Diego and sold my 2018 Parker 2320 back to a friend that lives there. I know the fishery and bait requirements well. I would recommend calling Pacific Edge or Blue Water Bait Tanks and see if they can help you source a tank that can be modified to add a backrest. You...
  15. Bmoore

    Modifying 1999 21SE live well to a bait well…suggestions?

    Late reply here but your livewell is a bait tank. That’s what it was designed for.
  16. Bmoore

    2022 2300

    When did you order ? I didn’t think they offered it for 2022. Such a bad idea to discontinue that model.
  17. Bmoore

    Problem filling gas tank: Parker 1801

    I’m not sure, but we ruled out everything downstream from the tank before removing the fuel sender screw. All I know is that as soon as we T’d a new vent line in right where the original one came out of the tank problem was solved
  18. Bmoore

    Problem filling gas tank: Parker 1801

    Don’t bother. I went through this already and it did not help. Finally got to the point I had to call the tank fabricator Florida Marine Tanks. They told me to remove one screw from the fuel sender and see if it fills properly. Well….it filled full speed and it was whistling out of that sender...
  19. Bmoore

    Battery Charger

    Minn Kota 3 bank charger is what I had on my last boat, but other brands may be cheaper and fine as well. I would recommend the 87” Min Kota Riptide Terrova 112lb thrust 36 volt. I had a 72” and it would cavitate some in a little swell. For my Parker 23SE I am going to go with the 87”. I also...
  20. Bmoore

    21 SE difficult to get on plane

    You might just be to soft on the throttle. Practice hammering the throttle all the way and backing off as it starts to plane. Imagine you are pulling a water skier out if the water. It’s better on the engine to do that than to do the long slow “lugging” to get it on plane thing. You probably...