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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. L

    New member with a few questions

    If all things were equal I would for sure go with the bracket, but I don't think they are. The guy with the 98 is motivated to sell(already has another boat), and the guy with the 97 isn't at all. Also the 97 has a trailer which I don't need, and it also has a bow pulpit, which combined with the...
  2. L

    New member with a few questions

    Seems like I did the quote/response backwards.
  3. L

    New member with a few questions

    First of all hello everyone, My name is Liam and I'm from Boston Ma. I was told to check out this forum by a member on THT. I'm currently looking at 2 parkers. One is a 1997 and one a 1998, both 2320's. They are both powered by 225 ox66's and both around 400 hours. The 1997 has a bracket and the...