Thanks, they just arrived and installed. Two 10's are plenty, even if left open underway.
The installation guide shows how to determine the weight rating required using a scale and a stick at the attachment point.
What force rating struts are you guys using on your ebox's? No markings left on the old ones.
Box has twin 7.5 struts supporting tinted acrylic door
10, 20 and 30lbs are the options for the 7.5".
Locate and disconnect the deutsch connector. Release and remove the pins. Attach a pull line to the cable. Pull the cable out from the transom and use the pull line to draw the new cable back in. Reinstall the deutsch connector and reconnect to the other cable.
Hard to say without knowing the condition of the boats core structure and fuel tank condition.
Just from your description and without pictures it could go anywhere from $8k-11k.