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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. E

    Boat Wanted 2501 CC Parker DV twins

    The difference between four stroke and hpdi is significantly large when it comes to valuation.
  2. E

    2330 plastic fuel tank?

    Take a look at pursuit boats. I have a plastic tank on mine and it’s been great. It must be supported differently and does have vent requirements and dimensional stability issues but they do work when set up well.
  3. E

    Boat For Sale 1997 2320 for sale

    Really like that open concept for the pilot house. Great visibility aft.
  4. E

    Boat For Sale 2004 Parker 2300DV 2019 Yamaha F300

    Stunning boat. Total rock solid monster for a 23’.
  5. E

    help please

    Just another indication that Parker has lost its way.
  6. E

    Engine overheat 2024 Parker 2520xld

    Are your batteries charged 100% and all connections to batteries are very tight? Grounds and positive? All battery switches click solidly when thrown to the on position? I see 14 + volts when running which is correct. The sensor temp showing low but the alarm going off indicates something is...
  7. E

    Would a Parker 2120 fit a 10' garage?

    I think the dimension will come down to how the boat sits on the trailer. Is it “between” the wheels/fenders or does it sit over or on top of them? You really want to work with the trailer manufacturer. I’d call Pacific Trailers in chino CA. They make a ton of trailers for Parker’s and know...
  8. E

    Tuna tower DIY

    I’m not sure if we understand you correctly. I am clear that it doesn’t fold for trailering. I am clear there is no canopy above the control station. My question is, does the upper station have a separate and dedicated seat platform directly aft of the upper controls? And wow, that is really...
  9. E

    Squealing noise after installing a four blade prop

    Are you sure it’s not 30 knots? Also, check all four plugs and wires. Even low and high pressure fuel pumps.
  10. E

    Squealing noise after installing a four blade prop

    A three bladed prop is best for that boat. I run two 115’s. One is on a 17’ and the other is on an 18’. You should be idling at 650 to 800 and full throttle 5600-5900. Near 40 mph is what you should be at with a light and clean hull. Has the timing belt or tension pulley been checked ? Pulleys...
  11. E

    Fuel Tank Failure in Parker Boats

    Here’s my take. A 20 year old Parker with a foamed in tank that is or has been kept in the water will need a new tank from corrosion. On the other hand, a 20 year old Parker that has been kept out of the water and in a dry environment like Southern California, will have less corrosion and may...
  12. E

    Has anyone added an aftermarket t-top?

    You should tell us in detail about your boat. Right now we are guessing.
  13. E

    Boat Wanted 23 Parker

    Yes. Thank you.
  14. E

    Deck thickness under fuel tank

    It’s thick, that’s the deal. It’s gel coat, glass, plywood and then glass. I’d say just over an inch. You MUST verify depth / thickness by drilling a test hole and measuring it then. Set your blade to be just deeper than the measured thickness by 1/8”. Slow and steady wins.
  15. E

    Boat Wanted 23 Parker

    Do you have a 23 cc dv?
  16. E

    New Boat Tomorrow! Anything specific to check on Sea Trial?

    Pull the prop and look for fishing line. I see it on almost every boat. Lower unit seals and labor cost time and money.
  17. E

    Help Pricing a 17' CC

    I second what Tomc585 says. I have a 94 17’ and have redone the entire boat, including a brand new fuel tank and every wire. F115 with 200 hours. She’s worth at least 15 if not 18
  18. E

    New member - Born into boating (a long time ago!) but new to Parker

    Nice boat. They are little tanks that last decades. Welcome to the club. 1994 17’ CC “Bajablue”
  19. E

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    Well the 18SE is off the table. At least they still have the 1801 CC. That looks more true to the intent of the original designers.