04 150 2stroke carb

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2009
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Mt Sinai, Long Island
1st splash of season feel was few rpms under wot only got 4900 was ill choppy tho. And had some trouble at idle w some stalls I replaced the plugs before splashing but think maybe just some residual fouling from winterization/fogging gonna give another run before I get too worried any ideas
Boat ran today ran like crap. Pulled plugs starboard bottom plug clean not firing looked brand new as i changed plugs before splashing. Pulled plug wire off while running on that cylinder and no change in engine rpm. Tried last yr plug and same. I'm thinking no fuel to that cylinder? Any ideas? i ran boat for 15 minutes at 3/4 throttle hoping to clear it but same. I had this problem few yrs ago n carb needed a cleaning rebuild. Also when pulling plugs on starboard side could selling smoke coming from top cylinder. ???????
I've got the same setup as you, boat and engine.

Did this just start happening out of the blue, or was any maintenance done prior to this and the engine was running fine until something else was worked on?

Getting back to basics, missing on a cylinder is either poor spark or poor fuel/combustion. I'd think spark is the easiest to eliminate. Sounds like you've already isloated a missing cylinder by pulling the plug wire while the engine running, and the idle didn't change. I'd guess if you pull the other plug wires 1 at a time the engine would idle worse. But you might want to check that just to be sure. If it's repeatable and always missing on the same cylinder, then that's sort of a good sign.

Spark testers are pretty cheap at an auto parts store. Or you can make your own with an old spark plug. Check for spark at the missing cylinder and if all seems OK, then CDI and sensors are probably working OK and probably not the problem. If no or random spark, then you're probably going to be looking for an electrical problem. Start simple and check all of the connectors coming from the CDI. The spark plug high voltage is develpoed in the CDI, and there are several engine signals going to the computer to control ignition and develop the HV.

If it ran when you put it up for the winter I find it very difficult to believe your electrical system just stopped working. If it has carbs you need to clean them first. I got to a point some time ago that I would pull them off soak them in Carb cleaner over night, blow out all jets etc, and reassemble. Removal, tearing down, putting back together, and reinstalling takes about an hour. The time is the soaking. Fuel issues are the biggest problem people have every Spring.