1801 kicker experience

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2011
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Hi everyone
Most of my fishing is trolling on Ontario for slamon and trout. I know it is not healthy for my Yamaha outboard and i also put lots of hours on it. Have anybody installed kicker on it and was the boat substantially more stern heavy and behaving differently, have scuppers under water? I am thinking about 60-65lbs 5-6 hp four stroke. Please, chime in.
If you do get a motor, you should get the thrush motor. If you don't know about them, read up. I had one on my 2320 for two years. I hated using it. First it wasn't hooked to my steering. I got it for emergency if my main motor when out. I try it once in inlet and I couldn't move just stem the tide. It would of keep me away from the rocks. That's good. Trolling was ok. Staying back there to steer was a pain. Just drifting, the water would come in from scuppers. Feet got wet. I ended up selling it. I have a live well on swimplateform and with the motor on other side, there was no room to get on and off plate form to swim. If you still want one, get it for emergency. Save the money, and use it for gas.
It took me over 2 years to convince my friend with 2120 to get it for trolling on Ontario. Now tree years later after he saved at least 1000 hours on his main and it is tethered to main motor he loves it. The only thing stopping me is extra transom weight in the boat with high bow attitude. that is why I ask this forum for experience.
I have a 9.9 on my 2310 w/bracket I love it for trolling it is high trust it pushes me good for trolling and dosent burn much fuel I also use it pulling lobster traps so I don't idle my 225 to long
I use trolling bags and it gets me to target speed of 1.5-2.5 mph. Trolling is bad for your main engine because of excessive carbon deposits(according to Yamaha tech). I also put a lot of hours on it. Additional benefit of kicker is having plan B 10-15 miles off shore on lake O. My dilemma is by putting extra weight of 110lbs on one side of the stern I will upset the balance and the boat will not track true. I know when I come to one side of the boat, esp rearmost part, it starts to immediately turn towards that side. Any lighter engine in 5-6 hp range I was told are inadequate in any waves conditions.
that is why I am looking for people experience with 1801 specifically.