1989 parker 2310 water in the cabin area ?

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Apr 30, 2011
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I recently bought a 1989 2310 Parker , It was runnung and in the water when I picked it up. I noticed some water in the cabin subfloor, there is a hloe there ,why I dont know. My mechanic picked it up and drydocked it . I went to work on it and noticed water in the anchor box . I dont know how this water got in there or how it is suposed to drain out. I didnt notice any wettness in the bilge area. It would seem to me that this water should of drained to the bilge. I pulled the plug on the stern when I left and water was draining then , not much just a trickle. Can anyone explain how this might be happening ? The boat has a hard top and the cabin is secure, I couldnt see how water was getting in there, or why it wont drain out. Thanks jpeak
hey jpeak. that hole is there to drain water that accumulates into the vessel's bilge space, which runs along the bottom of the hull through the various compartments to the stern, where the bilge access and pumps are located. the water in the anchor box is a pretty common problem, it could be condensation, or spray/rainwater coming through the deck hatch into the locker. it could also come from wet anchor line being stowed there. drainage in some models is not provided for, there have been several threads in the projects section on installing drains. many members simply drill a hole and install a clamshell fitting to allow the water to drain through the side of the hull. you may check to see if your model does have a drain there, as some do, and if so ascertain whether or not it is clogged. as for water in the bilges, could be any number of things. some rainwater will find its way down there, also accumulated condensation. a good way to determine the source is to taste the water (provided it isnt TOO nasty :shock: ) and see if it's salt or fresh. fresh would obviously indicate rain or condensation, salt may mean a leaky through hull or another problem. if need be, wash out your bilge first so any salt accumulation will not give the water a false salinity. then test it next time there is accumulation. hope this helps, and good luck.
Thanks that was very helpfull, I did think of the water. fresh or salty. That will be a good indicator of where the water is comming from. The other idea I had was if the water was in the boat from being on dry dock. and the yard just put the plug in without draining the hull . it would still be in there. Anyway Thanks Joe
for water in the anchore locker: I could not find the small drilled hole in the bottom of the locker that drains to bildge. I pulled out all the line and totally cleaned the locker. There it was a little hole filled with mud. Cleaned it out and placed plastice screen over it to help prevent
Not exactly the answer you are looking for, but related...

The bilge in our 2320 was oily from 2-stroke oil being spilled into the bilge while filling the remote tank, and an oily bilge is just bothersome (but tough to clean). I figured I'd kill a couple birds with one stone recently while pulling the boat out of the water for some maintenance. I filled the bilge with simple green (to dissolve the oil and to freshen the "bilgey smell"), then drove around the marina a bit to slosh it up. Then we pulled the boat up the ramp and popped the plug to drain the water + Simple Green + oil into a 5 gal bucket.

To rinse everything out, I ran a fresh water hose into the anchor hause pipe to rinse the salty anchor rode and flush the bilge, assuming that it was all connected together.

I must have been at least partially wrong, because even though the rinse water eventually made its way out the bilge plug hole, I found water all over the berth and cabin floor. It appeared that the water had over-flowed the anchor locker, run all over the cushions in the berth and onto the floor of the main cabin, then drained into the bilge from there.

Live and learn... :D

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