1997 2530 with outdrive. Good boat?

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Sep 18, 2013
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Seattle, WA
Hi CP,

I've been on here a little over the years. Anyway, my wife and I (and wiggler on the way) are looking at a boat in Anacortes, Washington for fishing, crabbing, entertaining, and occassional overnighting. We found this boat

http://bananabeltboats.com/boats-for-sale/ probably have to click to the inventory section from there.

It's go an I/O and a trailer. I plan on hauling it out 4 months out of the year but it will be slipped most of the time.
The boat is a 1997 I/O with a 3 year old engine and outdrive. New everything installed at that time. $45,000. I talked to the owner on the phone. He sounds like a stand up guy that maintains his gear. Looks used but it's all there.

I'm looking for opinions on the hull, engine/drive combo in that boat (I'm familiar with the pro's and con's of I/O), fuel efficiency, and price. Keep in mind, most things in the Pacific Northwest are much more expensive than the most of the country for some reason.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Rob in Seattle
Ouch on the price! You'd be better off to buy mine, spend $6K to ship her off to the West Coast and still put $10K into your own pocket.
Funny, I was just in Seattle and BC this week. I have a '96 2530 with I/O.

Have a Volvo 5.7L with DuoProp in mine, there are Mercruisers as well.

I get about 1.9 to 2 mpg cruising.

I did not look at the link at this time. I will later.

I just had a reply typed, was proofing and Windows did an auto shut down, not seen it happen that way before. Lost everything, will go off memory and not look at each pic at this time.

Blue hull, mine green, both uncommon, little more effort to keep shiny. Triple axle, not as common, most have a tandem though triple should have extra capacity but more maintenance. Mine is 8,000 lb.

Mercruiser vs Volvo mainly based on what dealer had for relationship. Mine was Volvo dealer. Need to treat the outdrive if slipped, to manage growth. Props cost more than single prop outdrive.

Radar arch looks good, make sure no bridge clearance issues. Second captains chair is extra. Looks like replacement fridge. Custom shelf over fridge, may or may not cover a two burner stove. Mine just has a cutting board over it. Marine head holds 15 gal, galley sink 10 gal.

Vee converts to sleep two. Dinette converts to a single berth.

Engine cover, people put a cushion on it for seating.

Yamaha kicker not as common on I/O versions. Shows narrower swim platform because of it.

Outboard version holds another 25 gallons fuel than I/O set up.

I have the 20 amp battery charger version.

What more would you want to know?
Nice model Parker but too much $ IMO. An I/O in salt water is a tragedy. I work for a Mercruiser dealer in New England and the repairs can be astronomical. It's really difficult calling the customer and telling them what needs to be done and how much it's going to cost. Go with an outboard or an inboard not both.
Thanks everyone. I realize the boat is bomber, it's just the drive....I've been diving under my boat in the marina once every few months. Sometimes I swim over and check out some of my neighbors boats to see what's going on. I promised myself I'd never buy an outdrive right then but guess I'm wanting a 9'6" beam with an enclosed pilot house. Just not alot of options.

What about a 2520 and install a galley? Wife HAS to have a sink, I think the bigger cockpit would be better in a thousand ways just trying to find something that works for us both as our 2012 Ranger tug has not worked out for me (too slow and pretty to get blood all over).

You guys think about $6k to get a 25xx shipped east coast to PNW?

Forgot to mention I have a 30' slip. My marina is very strict about the length. After checking the Parker website, I couldn't get a 25xx outboard anyway, that would put the boat at well over 30'. Plus I was completely shocked when I checked the price for a brand new Bravo III. $5,500!!!!

Maybe I'll just get an Albin 28 and pull the swim grid off..
Captain Starbucks, I thought it was listed as a new motor and I/O?

Should be just over 30' long. Longer with the I/O trimmed up.

There are a lot of pilot house boats out there as well.

The Parker bow pulpit is good, and this one has the swim platform. You could remove the platform and use a side gunwale boarding ladder, not as easy.


You are correct, new outdrive and new engine. I was just preparing myself for the worst after all I know about letting an outdrive sit in the salt most of the time. At the very least, I'd have the drive pulled at the inspection and freshened up anyway.

There are a lot of pilothouse boats out there, but not many that are under 30' LOA, and 10' wide. I'm up for suggestions, but I really do like these boats.

The pulpits on the boats look like they're attached pretty well. Any possibility of removing one without making it into a huge project?

Thanks for your input.

Pulpit could be removed.

All I have replaced is wear parts on my outdrive. Props, zincs, bellows, gimbal bearing.

As said, lot of choices in pilot houses in pacific northwest Rob. Cold water, cool weather, overcast and rain often. But I caught good weather there this week!

There are a lot of pilothouse boats out there, but not many that are under 30' LOA, and 10' wide. I'm up for suggestions, but I really do like these boats.

Leave the I/O alone.......Look at all the room in the cockpit the Dogbox takes up.

You get a LOT more boat with a Bracketed Outboard.
Thanks for the replies everybody. My wife and i went up to look at the boat today. I won't bore you with the details but we will not be buying that boat. The good news is that I've got the green light to buy a 2530!
FWIW I installed a galley cabinet on my 2520 with sink and 2-burner propane cooktop to port, just fwd of seat after I saw the one Dale had done on Miss Teak. I actually bought his cooktop and water tank! It works out really well. i can't load pics but you might find it in projects search.

BTW, I think you made the right decision on the I/O. The bracketed outboard is the way to go.
Twoboater any pictures of the set up... I'm trying to make it a little more overnight friendly for the family..