Try this on any 2-stroke that won't start. And definitely on one that has SAT for any length of time. As I bet she isn't primed or choked enough.
1) Put key to ON but not to crank
2) Prime bulb hard, makes sure OB end is higher than the rest of the hose, as that is how the check valve inside was designed to work
3) Yam uses a choke toggle switch, or push IN on the key ... either way, push IN or press toggle switch, HOLD, and slowly count to 6 or 8
4) Release choke/primer system ... check bulb again, ensure it is firm, then turn key to crank
I bet she fires up!
Oh, on most 2-strokes that have sat for a while, on the fuel pump is a
manual choke valve, try flipping it to full choke and crank. Make sue your ignition kill hasn't pulled out

, as she'll never start otherwise.
The way
to clear a flooded motor is to put motor to FULL speed in neutral and crank - she'll clear herself and light up, where you can back off the throttle before high RPMs are hit. But I still bet you're too lean and no fuel to fire within the system.